How to Write Conclusions in Brochures

A brochure is an informative piece of writing, but should be writing that is urging someone to do something, such as support an organization, follow through with a medical procedure or recognize the signs and symptoms of a disorder. Brochures also exist to sell -- home brochures, program brochures and trip brochures share that as their purpose. The conclusion of the brochure should be the largest and strongest selling point in the brochure.
Read the material that you have already used in your brochure. Make sure that you have listed all of the points and reasons for the reader to do what you suggest or buy what you sell in the brochure.
Write a strong conclusion that is only a paragraph long. Reiterate the most important point or detail that you made in writing the brochure. Begin with a statement that echoes your previous statements, and then continue with information that drives your point home.
End with a warning to your reader, such as "Act quickly, this house is going fast" or "You'll never find a better vacation spot than this!" or "This disease can move quickly, so be aware of the symptoms." A warning is a good way to sell your point and drive it home completely so your reader has no question about what you are saying.