The Methods of Training in Physical Education

Proper methods of training in physical education are critical to overall health and well-being. Circuit, continuous, interval, weight and flexibility training are all important. Some physical education instructors use the FITT acronym, which stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type, to help them remember the key factors when creating a training program for a particular sport or activity. Determining the target training zones of specific individuals will help each person to reach fitness goals. Optimal physical training also includes the appropriate amount of anaerobic and aerobic exercise.
1 Continuous Training
Those training in this mode perform aerobic exercises at a continuous level or rate for extended periods of time. Running or other aerobic training at about 60 percent of maximum heart rate for an hour or longer serves as a good way to help metabolize fat. Running at 70 percent of maximum heart rate for about 90 minutes burns off both fat and glycogen and helps to improve the cardiovascular system.
2 Interval Training
Training in this way combines extreme, vigorous periods of fast running or aerobic exercise with periods of slower running, allowing the athlete to recover a bit before resuming fast running. When an athlete trains in the hard, fast run, oxygen deprivation occurs and lactic acid builds up in the muscle tissues. During the slower running, or recovery, the heart and lungs work hard to provide oxygen, which helps break down the lactic acid. The stresses of interval training help to strengthen the heart, improve uptake of oxygen and get rid of lactic acid more efficiently.
3 Circuit Training
This type of training has similarities to interval training due to the use of hard periods of extreme exertion interspersed with short rest periods in between each set of exercises. The circuits are made up of a number of different exercises designed to work one particular set of muscles. Typical circuit training sessions include working on upper-body, lower body and core areas. Some exercises may also include full body workout as part of the circuit. Circuit training provides a wide range of exercises designed to develop strength and endurance.
4 Weight Training
Weight training will improve overall strength and mobility, and works best when combined with circuit training. Weight training forces muscles to work beyond their normal capacity. This overload makes them increase in size and strength in order to meet the increased demand. Muscles get larger when adding more weight, when increasing the number of repetitions, or when increasing the number of exercise sets. Depending on the exercise, weight training increases endurance, power, and size of muscles.