Proper Writing Styles for a Synopsis Narrative Conclusion

Writers have different options for concluding a synopsis narrative.
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A synopsis narrative is a summary of a story, perhaps for a class or for marketing materials to sell a book. By design, the conclusion is one of the strongest positions in a piece of writing because it is what the reader encounters last. Therefore, the conclusion for a synopsis narrative should be a well-planned, crafted piece of writing.

1 Language Style

Since a synopsis narrative summarizes a story, concise language is important. When appropriate, use sensory words and language that evoke emotions within the reader. Even for academic summaries, avoid complex syntax. Aim for clarity so your reader understands your conclusion especially well. Second person is not acceptable, though in some cases first person is. When writing a synopsis narrative of a book, use the same writing style as the book -- a literary voice for a literary book, for instance. Craft the conclusion with dynamic word choices and appropriate voice for a strong finish to your synopsis narrative.

2 Embedded Conclusion

Depending on the type of narrative you summarize, you may wish to retell the story. For this type of synopsis, the conclusion includes the climax and resolution to the conflict. This conclusion paragraph comes naturally -- simply as an ending to the story. For instance, for a synopsis narrative of a novel, you tell the main points of the plot as a storyteller. The climax and conflict resolution naturally come at the end of the story. For an embedded conclusion, you end there. This type of conclusion works well for conflict resolutions that leave the reader satisfied and need no additional explanation.

3 Retrospective or Reflective Conclusion

Retrospective and reflective conclusions are appropriate for narratives that offer some insight. With a retrospective conclusion, use hindsight gained from reading the narrative to review prior actions in the story. Use the new insight to consider the implications of those key actions. This works well for a synopsis in which you retell a story with a surprising conclusion, one driven by seeming happenstance in the story. The reflective conclusion involves taking insight from the narrative and broadening it to a world view. This type of conclusion is effective for an analytical style synopsis narrative, one in which you analyze as you retell the story.

4 Projective Conclusion

When the lesson from a narrative is especially strong, you can use a projective conclusion for your synopsis. With this type of conclusion, you project future outcomes resulting from circumstances within the story. For example, if writing a synopsis narrative of Jonathon Swift's "A Modest Proposal," your conclusion would consist of what would happen if society were to put Swift's proposal into effect -- if the rich literally begin consuming the poor. A projective conclusion works best if the situation you describe will stick with the reader for a long time, as the image of a rich banker gnawing on a human leg would.

Nadia Archuleta has a B.A. in English writing. She spent five years working abroad and has traveled extensively. She has worked as an English as a Foreign/Second Language teacher for 12 years.
