Is it OK to Wear Leather in the Rain?

Leather can be worn in the rain, but only after being properly treated and waterproofed. Permanent water spots and stains can appear if you wear leather in the rain before treating it, and leather pieces might lose their flexibility, crack and wear out well before they normally would. Spot test products in an inconspicuous place before using them on your leather.
1 Treat Me Right
Waterproof leather garments immediately after purchase. For finished leather, apply a leather lotion full of lanolin oils with a soft cloth. Don't use this lotion on suede or brushed leathers, though, and avoid treatment products that contain mink oil and other animal fats; these will clog the pores of the leather, trapping moisture in the fabric and preventing air flow. Spray all leather with a water and stain repellent, spraying suede and brushed leather right away and finished leather after applying the leather lotion. Reapply the spray every two to three months. Products to protect leather are readily available at leather retailers.
2 Remedies for Wet Leather
If your leather garment gets wet before you can treat it, hang it on a wide padded hanger and allow it to dry naturally -- do not place it near a heat source. Place balled newspaper in wet leather shoes to help them hold their shape and absorb water during drying. When finished leather is nearly dry, apply a leather renewal lotion. Again, skip this step when dealing with suede and brushed leather. Apply water and stain repellent spray on all leather types before it gets wet again, including suede and brushed leather.