Objective Type of Questions & Answers for English

Objective tests are logical tests that are sometimes given in English classes.

Objective questions and answering for English studies are variable. The common factor involved in the test is the fact that the questions require logical thought processes and the remembrance of facts, figures and information read throughout the problem or previously studied. To pass the objective question test in English, students must first understand the types of tests that prevent objective questions and how to break down the question to pass.

1 General Objective Tips

When taking an objective English test, general understanding of concepts and information on the test is required. Students should study the materials on the test thoroughly. As part of preparation, students should identify comparisons and contrasts in the work, make charts or diagrams of information such as how characters relate or how the plot advances and plan for the most stressed information in the course. When taking the test, underline any main words in the question, such as what it is asking--like how, when or where--and the key information about the question. Read the question completely before answering to avoid writing the wrong answer.

2 Short Answer

A short answer objective question requires students to write a logical answer based on the question. For example, a teacher might ask for a comparison and contract between two characters in a class novel or story, in which case the answer should include similarities and differences between the characters. Always work out a short outline of ideas in the margin before writing the answer so the answer becomes logical, both in information and in the order it is written. Questions might include explanations of a specific area, like the plot, characters or author symbolism, or it can include short essays like comparison and contrast. These are the type of objective questions where the answers will vary, and students can make a case for any answer as long as it is logical and answers the question.

3 Multiple Choice Questions

While multiple choice questions offer four or five potential answers and only one is correct, finding the answer involves careful reading and logical thought processes. Students should read the question without looking at the answers and then write down their thoughts on the answer. From there, compare the answer written down and the options available. Alternatively, students can make the question into a true and false option to determine which answer is true given the statement. Before answering, students should always look for words like “except” or “and,” which can alter the answer. Teachers might require more than one answer on a multiple choice question.

4 True and False

True and false questions are sometimes part of an objective test. The questions will have only one correct answer, and students have a 50-percent probability of getting it correct. When reading the question, note any words like “never,” “except,” “sometimes,” “always,” “not,” and “usually,” which can alter the answer depending on the question.
