How to Give Speeches About the Elderly
29 SEP 2017

Elderly is a word that refers to an entire generation of older adults, who were parents, teachers, politicians, lawyers, accountants, artists, etc. Many of these people helped to raise and educate our society's younger generations, shaping our morals with their lessons from history and life experiences. Numerous issues pertain to the elderly today, such as quality of care, diseases, exercise, diet, entertainment and wisdom. This means that if you're making a speech about the elderly, you have a lot of topics to choose from. Regardless of the issue you choose to speak on, your speech should reflect a certain format.
1 Pick the topic
Pick the topic for your speech on the elderly and select a relevant quote with which to open your speech. For example, if you're talking about ageism, you could select a quote by Yoko Ono, which was given in answer for what she thought John Lennon would have been like if he had lived to old age, "He would be just John,” says Yoko, “ - all that he was before…But I think talking about a person’s age is ageism, like racism or sexism. It isolates attitudes.”
2 State the subject at hand
Clearly state the subject at hand by saying something as simple as "I'd like to talk about Alzheimer's disease today," or "I'd like to honor these older Americans for their bravery and wisdom". Spend a few sentences discussing what the subject is, providing the audience with adequate background.
3 Address certain problems and concerns
Address how certain problems and concerns directly connect to this particular subject, and how you feel about it. For example, if you're talking about Alzheimer's, discuss how it puts stress on families and can weaken bonds between parents and siblings. If at all possible, add appropriate examples from your own experience.
4 Itemize you
Itemize what you think should be done. For example, if you're giving a speech on ageism, perhaps all you think people should do is educate themselves. If you're giving a speech honoring older adults, all you might want the audience to do is give these people a booming round of applause.
5 Summarize your speech
Summarize your speech by borrowing an appropriate quote from an older American you know, perhaps one of your grandparents or parents.