Grading System Conversions

In the United States, grades are given an alphabetical value: A is excellent, B is good, C is average, D is below average and F is a fail. In other countries, the grading system is recorded differently; however, the grades still hold the same equivalents as U.S. grades.
1 United Kingdom
The school systems in the United Kingdom grade numerically based on a scale of 1 to 100. They break down their grades into smaller increments, for example: 70 to 100 is an A, 65 to 69 is an A-, 60 to 64 is a B+, 50 to 59 is a B, 45 to 49 is a C+, 40 to 44 is a C and anything below 39 is a failed grade. A grade of C is considered the passing grade.
2 China
In China, there are two types of grading scales. Both are numerical: one is on a scale from 0 to 100. A grade of 100 to 85 is an A, 75 to 84 is a B, 60 to 74 is a C and anything below 59 is a failed grade. The other scale is from 2 to 5. A grade of 5 is equivalent to an A, 4 is a B, 3 is a C and 2 is an F.
3 France
The French grading system lies on a scale from 0 to 20. A grade of 14 to 20 is considered an A, 12 to 13.9 is a B+, 11 to 11.9 is a B, 10.5 to 10.9 is a B-, 10.1 to 10.4 is a C+, 10 is a C, 9 to 9.9 is a C-, 8 to 8.9 is a D and anything below 8 is a failed grade.
4 Australia
Australia does not use an alphabetical or numerical system, but instead uses words as grade descriptors. "High Distinction" is an A+, "Distinction" is an A, "Credit" is a B, "Pass" is a C, "Conceded, Conditional or Compensatory Pass" is a D and F is a failed grade.
5 Singapore
The Singapore grading system classifies its grades into classes. An A+ grade is "class II," an A grade is "class II i," a B grade is "class II ii," and a C grade is "class III."