How to Deposit a Check Without Endorsing It

Many people fear signing or endorsing a check for deposit because if it is lost or stolen before it gets deposited, the money could be lost for good. Typically, check holders sign a check when they want to cash the check, but a signature endorsement is not necessary for depositing a check into your account.
1 Turn the check over
Turn the check over. First, turn the check over so the back of the check is facing up. On the top portion of the check, there is usually a section where you are allowed to write and a line separates it from the area of the check that you cannot write on.
2 Write For Deposit Only .''
Write "For Deposit Only." In the small boxed are where you are allowed to write, write "For Deposit Only" on the first line.
3 Write your account number
Write your account number. On the second line, right underneath where you wrote "For Deposit Only," write the account number of the account where you want the check deposited.
4 Deposit the check
Deposit the check. Once you have done this, the check has been endorsed to be deposited into the account you have indicated. You can either deposit the check into your bank account via an ATM, inside the lobby of the bank with a teller or through the drive-through of your bank.