Definition of a Psychology Journal

Journals, periodicals that focus on particular topics, are divided into two types: professional or trade journals and academic or scholarly journals. Usually, journals are not intended for entertainment or for the general public.
1 Function
Psychology trade journals are intended for professionals in the field. Articles usually discuss current news and trends in psychology, as well as practical information for those in the field. Academic psychology journals are intended for scholars, researchers and students; they usually present original findings written by researchers or reviews of original research.
2 Features
The articles in a psychology trade journal are usually evaluated by editorial staff, who may be experts in the field, but the articles are not peer-reviewed. Articles in academic psychology journals are often evaluated by peer reviewers or referees who are experts in the field.
3 Misconceptions
Some psychology publications are not considered journals but magazines intended for the general public. The articles—usually evaluated by editorial staff, not experts in the field—are often secondary discussions of others' research and might include opinion. “Psychology Today” and “Scientific American Mind” are examples of psychology-related popular magazines.
4 Examples
The American Psychological Association's “Monitor on Psychology” and “American Psychologist” are examples of psychology trade journals. “Neuropsychology” and “Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology” are examples of academic psychology journals.