How to Create a Curriculum

Curriculum creation is key for focusing and covering topics in any course. A curriculum allows teachers to stay on topic in a class while covering all goals in the long run. They allow a course to be replicated by other teachers, providing coursework, lesson plans and material that individuals can use as a base while tailoring the discussions and studies to their own teaching style.
Write down the purpose of the class. Be detailed in your description. For example, if the course is on English, specify if the primary purpose is to teach basic English, conversational English or English writing.
Write down the objectives of the course. Frame exactly what you want to accomplish and what you want students to have learned by the end of the course. For a course on English comprehension, ask yourself if you want students to be able to read a children's book, listen to a movie or read a complex scientific paper. Be sure to describe the level of learning you want your class to have attained.
Select the content you want to use in your class. This includes your lectures and course material like books, documents and movies. Choose your content with the aim of achieving the course goals and objectives.
Organize the material into smaller pieces. Smaller pieces allow the material to be presented in a way that is easily learned by students. But balance this with the necessity of having to cover all the information in the course.
Develop lessons based on the organized material. Lessons should be entertaining and informative. However, leave some amount of freedom for individual teachers to adapt the material to suit their teaching style.
Adjust the curriculum. After teaching the course, you will need to make changes to the material depending on how real classes react.
- When first creating and teaching based off a curriculum, understand that real classrooms may be faster or slower. Always have additional material on hand in case classes are faster, and plan a few days for review in case classes are slower at absorbing the material.
- Consult teachers who have taught the material for tips.