Characteristics of IQ

Intelligence tests provide intelligence quotient results as a formula of mental age in relation to actual age multiplied by 100. IQs are also classified in broader terms by characteristics individuals with certain IQs may possess. Scores range from below 70 to above 130, with scores of 90 to 109 considered average. Characteristics related to IQs are based on what are considered high IQs; the opposite characteristics are found in people with low IQs. Characteristics are individualized and do not apply to everyone.
1 General Behavioral Characteristics
General behavioral characteristics are one of three categories of IQ characteristics defined by the Educational Resources Information Center Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children. Individuals with high IQs typically learn to read early in childhood and they enjoy reading a variety of materials on a regular basis. High IQ individuals also have large vocabularies. Additionally, they learn basic skills early, quickly and with little effort and are able to work independently for extended periods of time. Another general behavioral characteristic is an abundance of energy that is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as hyperactivity.
2 Learning Characteristics
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children also characterizes individuals with high IQs based on their learning methods and abilities. Individuals with high IQ have sharp observation skills and pay close attention to detail. They prefer to learn by organizing and analyzing concepts into categories. High IQ individuals tend to be leery and are able to easily spot inconsistencies. They easily recognize cause and effect relationships. Importantly, they also have a large recall of varied information and are quick to access it.
3 Creative Characteristics
Creative characteristics are the third of three categories of IQ characteristics defined by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children. Individuals with high IQs posses a natural curiosity about surroundings, happenings and ideas. They tend to fantasize and have an active imagination. They are also fluid, flexible, elaborate and original thinkers and because of this like to form hypotheses and propose alternative solutions to problems. Furthermore, individuals with high IQs prefer complex problems and challenges.
4 Extreme Need Characteristics
Extreme need characteristics are a set of characteristics identified by the Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children. Individuals with high IQs commonly have an extreme need to learn at a rapid pace. They also feel a need to understand material at a deeper level. Additionally, individuals with high IQs have a strong desire to showcase their energy, imagination, intellectual skills, emotions and sensitivity with an above average vigor.