How to Write a Math Book

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Writing a math book requires careful and meticulous planning. Every chapter must introduce new concepts, and the problem sets, ideas and explanations must be carefully designed to be at the right level for the students. Before you even write a word, make sure you already know what each chapter is going to cover, and have double checked your table of contents to make sure nothing is missing.

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1 Research the standards of your target

Research the standards of your target demographic. Each state will have slightly different math standards for each grade. For example, fourth graders in California are required to be able to put whole numbers and decimals in order to two decimal places.

2 Investigate what is already available

Investigate what is already available. Look at the math textbooks that are being written for the state and grade level you want to write for. What strengths and weaknesses do the existing textbooks have? Do they have clear explanations and enough details? Can they cover more material, or show more applications of the math operations they teach?

3 Organize your book

Organize your book. With a math textbook, each lesson builds on the last. For example, you might explain what fractions are in one lesson, compare them in the next lesson, add and subtract them in the third, and so on. Make sure you include everything on the list of standards for your state.

4 Write a book proposal

Write a book proposal. Every textbook company has a list of what they want in a proposal. Generally, You will need to include a title, description of the book, table of contents, and two sample chapters.

5 Write the first chapter

Write the first chapter. Explain the concept, give at least three examples, and develop a set of problems. Mix up normal problems and story problems to test the student's ability to apply the lesson.

6 Come back and earlier chapters

Come back and review earlier chapters in subsequent problem sets. For example, the problem set in Chapter 2 should have a few problems applying what was learned in Chapter 1.

7 Be sure to come back and review

Be sure to come back and review

Isaiah David is a freelance writer and musician living in Portland, Ore. He has over five years experience as a professional writer and has been published on various online outlets. He holds a degree in creative writing from the University of Michigan.
