How to Write an Essay Regarding a Science Experiment
26 SEP 2017

After you complete a science experiment you will need to gather all your data and write an essay explaining what you discovered. Your instructor may require a specific number of pages or a minimum word count, so the length of your essay will depend on assignment details. However, most essays, whether for science or any other subject, contain five paragraphs. Inserting your discoveries into the appropriate paragraphs will help you relay your findings with clarity.
1 Open with the Basics
In the first paragraph of your essay, you will give a brief introduction to your experiment. Give any background information to help the reader understand the components of your project. For example, if you evaluated the reaction of certain chemicals in a variety of environments, explain what makes up the chemical. You may also want to share what led you to perform this particular experiment, such as your own interest in the subject of your science project or your desire to be innovative.
2 State Your Thesis
Near the end of your introductory paragraph, you will state the main idea of your essay, known as the thesis statement. For an essay regarding a science experiment, your thesis will relate directly to the hypothesis, the educated guess you made about the outcome of your science experiment before you began. The thesis statement may only be a single sentence.
3 Relay the Data
In a typical essay, you'll use the second, third and fourth paragraphs to share how you performed the experiment. Share details about your methods for conducting the experiment to show your reader that you performed each step carefully. This will help your reader trust your findings. Explain the data from your experiment, such as observations you made or any numbers or details that came from your particular science experiment.
4 Wrap Things Up
In the final paragraph, you will conclude by giving a general statement to tell about the data, and you should also state whether your hypothesis was accurate. Give an explanation as to why you were or weren't correct. As well, share the ways you could have performed the science experiment better or more accurately and how you would approach a similar project in the future.