How to Write a Comparison Essay on Two Different Stories
26 SEP 2017

When a teacher or professor asks you to compare two stories, this gives you the opportunity to experience the works in a new way. You can look closely at how a writer’s style conveys what is at stake in the story and the way each story connects with the reader. This close assessment will also help you discover what you appreciate in fiction. Knowing some of the components to evaluate in these stories will help you build your comparison essay.
1 Compare Plots
You can discuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Even with many similarities, stories will vary in what actually takes place. For example, in one story the main character may take a trip and experience many setbacks before discovering her true desires, but in the other story the character may stay home and review his past to make himself stronger. Since someone reading your essay may not know the stories, starting the body of your essay with a discussion of these plot differences and similarities will also help ground the reader in each story, says Jeffrey Nealon and Susan Searls Giroux, authors of “The Theory Toolbox: Critical Concepts for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.”
2 Examine Characters
Another option is to compare the main characters. Look at dialogue, interactions and the decisions they make. You can also evaluate how believable each character seems and whether or not you relate to that character. Look at the side characters in the stories as well. Each character should seem believable and have a role in the story. You might choose to mention if a character doesn’t have a role in moving the story forward, such as evaluating if the story would remain the same if the character were there or not. Discussing these findings will help you compare how well characters work in each story, explains Janet Burroway in “Imaginative Writing.”
3 Consider Point of View
You can also compare the point of view the writers use to tell their stories. Whether each story’s narration comes from a first-person, second-person, or third-person point of view impacts the story, and this might provide an interesting comparison for the stories. For example, one story might have a first-person narrator, making you feel close to the characters. In comparison, a third-person story might create distance between you and the characters, making you feel less involved.
4 Evaluate Writing Styles
Take time to discuss each writer's style throughout the story, evaluating concepts such as level of difficulty and your own enjoyment in reading the story. Consider the writers’ skills and how well they pull their stories together. You may like one writer better than the other, and Janet Burroway suggests you can discuss the reasons for this.
- 1 Purdue Online Writing Lab: Essay Writing
- 2 The Theory Toolbox: Critical Concepts for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; Jeffrey Nealon and Susan Searls Giroux
- 3 Imaginative Writing; Janet Burroway