What Religions Practice Arranged Marriages?
29 SEP 2017

Arranged marriage is more of a cultural belief than a religious belief, but many religions across the world routinely conduct arranged marriages. Most Islamic, Indian and Asian countries believe in arranging the marriages of their children. An arranged marriage is when the parents or other individuals choose the spouse of a person.
1 Hinduism
Marriage in Hinduism is a sacred and obligatory duty. A lot of cultures that practice Hinduism believe in arranged marriage, but Hinduism has six other types, including the forced marriage. A Hindu marriage generally is arranged by the parents of both children for a number of different reasons. Social class determines some arranged marriages. Financial benefit determines other arranged marriages in Hinduism. In the modern form of Hinduism, followers believe in arranged marriages, but with the consent of the bride and groom as well as the elders.
2 Islam
Most Middle Eastern countries that follow Islamic law or the Muslim religion believe in arranged marriages. These countries include Iran and Iraq. Islamic followers believe that it is acceptable to arrange marriages by recommendation. However, according to many Islamic clerics, the consent of both parties is a requirement. The father of a virgin girl must be the person who approves of the marriage. Because according to the Islam doctrine it is a sin to have intercourse before marriage, most Islamic girls are virgins when they get married. The couples cannot be alone during the courtship; a third party always must be present during a date.
3 Buddhism
Indonesia and China follow a strong Buddhist religion that advocates arranged marriages. Buddha did not provide any specific rules regarding marriage, but did express the ways to a happy marriage. There is no specific marriage ceremony in Buddhism. A marriage in Buddhism is a marriage of convenience and not an obligation or sacrament. Most marriages have the recommendation and approval of the father, who selects the spouse to benefit his daughter. The marriage also should benefit the parents of both the bride and groom.
4 Judaism
Judaism has evolved over the years, but many Orthodox and Jewish fundamentalists continue to believe in arranged marriages. The fundamentalists consider marriage to be a business transaction. The bride's father believes he is losing a valuable commodity and must be compensated for that loss. The groom's father, as well as the groom, provides gifts to the bride's father to compensate him for his loss. The gifts can be any items from cattle, goats, sheep or money. The marriage consists of two ceremonies: a betrothal ceremony and the wedding ceremony.