What Types of Science Questions Are on a TEAS Test?
Nursing schools use the Test of Essential Academic Skills to identify students with sufficient understanding in reading, math, science and English. The science section of the TEAS consists of 30 questions covering a range of science topics. The level of knowledge required for the science section of the TEAS is comparable to college freshman level courses in biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as a course in anatomy and physiology.
1 Biology
Be familiar with cellular anatomy, including organelles and cell walls. You should be able to name structures and describe their functions. Learn to name and describe cellular processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis and meiosis. Consider biochemistry under this topic and acquaint yourself with enzymes, their names and functions. You might also be asked questions regarding plants or animals.
2 Anatomy and Physiology
A complete understanding of all areas of anatomy and physiology is essential for the science portion of the TEAS. Understand the various systems of the body, including skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, central nervous, endocrine, digestive, urinary and reproductive. You must be able to name individual parts and describe their function. In addition, you might be required to demonstrate an understanding of diseases that affect these systems.
3 Chemistry
Memorize the complete periodic table and be able to match chemical names to abbreviations, as well as chemical formulas to chemical names. Understand minute chemical anatomy including electrons, proton, and neutrons and the creation of ions.
4 Physics
This science can be divided into two parts: theoretical and mathematical. Physics is grounded in theories of movement, energy, fluidity, optics and sound. Learn the basic history of physics and who is responsible for major discoveries. You will also need to know the precise mathematical formulas associated with these theories and what they describe. You will not encounter word problems that require you to put these formulas into action. Brush up on your graph-reading skills and be able to interpret results.
Practice tests for the science portion of the test can be found in study guides or online. While these questions will not be the exact questions on your particular TEAS, the practice questions will help you to gauge the breath of your knowledge and identify any weaknesses.