The Quaker Beliefs on Punishment in Hell
29 SEP 2017

Although the Quaker movement grew out of a Christian tradition, most Quakers embrace traditions from all major religions and believe in finding God's love in daily life. For this reason, many Quakers do not believe in hell. However, the idea of hell -- like many other aspects of Quaker faith -- is mediated by an individual rather than a religious authority, so any kind of consensus about the afterlife is impossible.
1 History
The Quaker movement started in the 1650s under the name, the Religious Society of Friends. These early Quakers challenged the authority of the Catholic Church in religious matters and taught that every individual had traces of God inside them. They taught that many of the rituals and formalities of Catholicism and other religions prevented individuals from experiencing God directly. Although Quakers shared many Christian beliefs, such as the love of God, they believed other aspects, such as the notion of hell, were problematic.
2 Challenge
Most Quakers challenge the notion of hell because of a shared belief in God as a loving deity not a vengeful one. According to Quaker belief, God's love is infinite, and the idea that he would punish individuals throughout eternity contradicts his nature. The Quaker God is a merciful one, and no sin is great enough to challenge this mercy. Even Quakers who do believe in hell are likely to believe that sincere repentance earns forgiveness.
3 Personal Interpretation
The problem with any definite statement about Quaker hell is that Quakers themselves don't all agree. The Quaker faith encourages individuals to develop a personal relationship with their religion and interpret religious texts such as the Bible according to their own understanding. Some Quakers hold to a traditional structure of worship with a pastor and weekly worship, and these Quakers are more likely to subscribe to the traditional Christian idea of hell.
4 The Present
Another reason that Quakers challenge the notion of hell is their belief that people should not distract themselves with concerns about the future. Quakers preach finding love in this lifetime and using the compassion of Jesus Christ as an example and model for personal actions. Notions of an afterlife are distracting because they cause people to direct their lives towards a goal after death. If people are focusing on avoiding punishment in hell, they can't enjoy their lives in the present.