Should the Teacher Review Before Elementary Classroom Assessments?
26 SEP 2017

It often takes years before students develop effective study habits. In the formative years, teachers should introduce students to the right way to study and review for assessments. Reviewing before an elementary classroom assessment accomplishes several things. Reviews help students to recall information, model proper and effective studying techniques, and place students on equal footing.
1 Information Recall
Reviewing subject matter with elementary students helps them to recall the information on a test. Ideally, reviews should take place daily and be continual and ongoing so that information is retained by students. Teachers don’t have to spend hours reviewing to make a difference. A few targeted review sessions before testing can benefit students.
2 Reviewing Techniques
How you review is just as important as whether you review. Students are unique and differentiating review techniques is important to reach all students. Utilizing oral, written and visual review methods ensures that visual, tactile and auditory learners’ needs are met. Questioning, games and worksheets are great reviewing tools. While Jeopardy is a popular review game, teachers can create their own review games and worksheets based on their students' needs.
3 Modeling
Reviewing with elementary students provides modeling of effective study habits early on from which students can benefit for years to come. Many students don’t study at home, and school is where they get most of their academic information. When teachers review before an assessment, they are in effect modeling study strategies for their students. Teaching students the benefit of studying before a test helps them learn the benefit of preparation and avoiding procrastination.
4 Equal Footing
Reviews also serve to put students on a more equal footing. While students may come from varying economic and social backgrounds, reviewing together in the classroom levels the academic learning field. Because students have different learning styles, varying your review activities helps ensure that all students are benefiting from in-class reviews, and students who don’t have the time to review at home for whatever reason, have the opportunity to do so in class.