School Projects About Horses

For students who love horses, there are often school projects that allow you to choose the theme of what you will present. Whether it is a science fair project or a speech that you need to give, horses are an exciting subject to study. Although there are hundreds of school projects involving horses, there are a few popular projects that will cover some of the more common school projects that tend to crop up year after year.
1 Science
For students in the elementary grades, it seems that science fair projects are required nearly every year. Older students may need to come up with science fair projects as well, but this expectation varies from school district to school district.
A couple of good ideas for science fair projects involving horses include starting with a question, such as: How does a horse respond to a human's emotions? Which treatments are most effective in treating White Line Disease?
Do research to answer the question. For example, to find the results to whether horses respond to human emotions, work with several horses on several different occasions when you are sad, happy, or angry. See if the horses respond differently to you and chart their responses and your mood. Present your findings in a chart or graph that shows how each horse responds to various emotions. You may even find that some horses are more sensitive to human emotion than others.
2 Art
Horses are graceful, beautiful animals. There are many different art projects that can show the lines and muscles of a horse. Photographs of statues of horses, sketches outlining the structure of a horse or even paper mache models of horses all make excellent art projects.
If you choose to take photographs of horses or horse statues, create a display board showing the horse in different settings of light or at different shutter speeds. To show the structure of a horse through sketches, research horse physiology with help from your local veterinarian. You can also find books at the library that break down the different parts of the horse and provide detailed drawings to compare with an actual horse.
3 Speech
Do you have to come up with a speech topic? Are you passionate about horses? If so, talk on a topic like whether or not horses should be raced or what should happen to those who neglect and abuse horses; you can also take a survey about horse racing and whether it should be continued and share the results.
Ask family and friends if they are for or against racing and why. You may want to ask them to rate whether they are for or against on a scale of one to 10 with 10 being very much for and one being very much against racing. These numbers will allow you to come up with statistics for the percentage of people very much for, very much against or right in the middle on whether horses should be raced.
4 Math
There are many different math projects that can be completed using horses. For younger students, a simple comparison between the measurement of hands and inches can be interesting and offer some simple conversions. For older students, the study of subjects like whether a horse's shoulder height impacts racing speed can be quite interesting. The older a student is, the more statistics can be used in this type of project.
5 History
History is rich with tales of horses and their riders. Younger students can create something as simple as a poster board of a particular horse breed showing a time line of that breed's history. Older students can look at how horses have been used in battles and wars over the years. For another option for history horse projects, look at a particular famous horse and what made that creature special. Some horses to look at might include Secretariat or or the Polish horse Kasztanka.