How to Write a Spiritual Autobiography
29 SEP 2017

When a person shares his spiritual journey, his story has the power to motivate, uplift and change another reader's life. The meaningful events a person endured can be a testimony for someone else. Writing a spiritual autobiography is difficult -- it takes patience, attention to detail and a willingness to bare your heart to others. It is also therapeutic and can help you learn about yourself.
Prepare all of your writing materials and plan your overall writing process. Decide where you want to write. Designate specific times and quiet spaces that you can concentrate and fully get your thoughts on paper or a computer. Libraries are usually ideal places for writers. Give yourself a realistic time-line for completing the autobiography.
Start by freewriting, which is a writing exercise that allows you to write nonstop without any regard for grammar or other errors. This can help to unleash the creativity and your innermost thoughts. Do this as a beginning exercise.
Create a timeline of your life and develop a thorough outline to organize the writing process. Write down the specific people, dates, places and how you felt during each incident and experience. Have a discussion with family to help you remember details of your life. Focus on the very meaningful experiences that really shaped your life. Talk with role models, teachers, ministers and the clergy who had positive influences in your life.
Connect with your potential readers by giving clear examples within each chapter. Share the lessons that you have learned and what role spirituality has played in your life. Emphasize that you are not perfect, and still evolving and growing to be a better person.