How to Find Arrowheads in Indiana
29 SEP 2017

Arrowheads, or projectile points, can be found in Indiana, where the state has a history of Native American populations. From the Potawatomi and Miami nations of Indians to the prehistoric Paleoindians, Indiana offers hunting grounds rich in arrowhead artifacts. Heed state laws when searching for these archaeological treasures.
1 Have existed in Indiana
Research areas where Native American settlements may have existed in Indiana. Some good resources and maps can be found on the Indiana website,, and at county museums throughout the state.
2 Obey state laws
Obey state laws. Indiana prohibits the damage, interference with or removal of artifacts or rocks from land owned by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as outlined on its website, This leaves private land as the only viable hunting ground in Indiana.
3 Ask permission
Ask permission from the owner to hunt on the land, so you are not trespassing. Seek areas with surfaces already exposed by erosion, farming or construction to avoid intruding on the archaeological site by digging.
4 Hunt for arrowheads
Hunt for arrowheads. Look for stones with obvious flakes on the edges to differentiate human-made stones from those that may resemble an arrowhead shape.
5 Document where you found each artifact
Document where you found each artifact. Though not required, reporting archaeological site locations to the state Division of History Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) is encouraged to contribute to the existing state record.