Fact and Opinion Games for Kids

Teaching students the difference between fact and opinion is an example of a higher order thinking question that educators pose to students to encourage higher level thinking. Teachers do not have to use dry lectures or repetitive worksheets to teach students the important points of fact and opinion. There are various activities and games that teachers can incorporate into their daily lesson plan to teach students about fact and opinion in the real world.
1 Fact or Opinion Chart Game
Distribute to students a chart with categories for fact and opinion. Write on the whiteboard at the front of the class various fact and opinion statements. Students must categorize the statements as to whether they are fact or opinion. If it is a fact statement, students must give an example of a source where the fact can be found. If the statement is an opinion, students must be prepared to explain why it is an opinion statement. The student with the most correct answers is the winner of the game.
2 Fact or Opinion Jeopardy
Divide students into groups of three. Present PowerPoint slides on the screen at the front of the classroom that include various statements. Ask students whether the statements are facts or opinions. The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. This is an energetic, interactive game that brings elements of suspense and excitement to the classroom, much like its television namesake.
3 Polar Bear Fact and Opinion
Present a webquest on the board at the front of the classroom. A webquest is an interactive website for learning new concepts and presenting information in one central location. Each slide on the webquest should present facts about polar bears along with pictures. Ask students to form opinions about polar bears after viewing the slides. Divide the class into two groups. Ask each group to make a list of facts and opinions about polar bears. The group with the most factual statements about polar bears is declared the winner.
4 Fact or Opinion Interview
Pair up students so that one plays the interviewer and the other the interviewee. The interviewer asks questions of the interviewee, who tries to determine if the question is a fact or an opinion. Students tally their correct answers and then then switch roles with their partners. The student with the most correct answers wins the game. Students should quickly start recognizing the differences between fact and opinion statements.