Daisy Girl Scout Activities for "I Am Responsible for What I Say & Do"
4 OCT 2017

Daisy Girl Scouts in kindergarten and first grade learn about the Girl Scout Promise and Law, including "I Am Responsible for What I Say and Do," in the same ways as older Girl Scouts. The concept comes alive when girls talk about the ideas, listen to their leaders explain the concepts and enjoy activities that bring the notion of responsibility to life.
1 Responsibilities in the Promise and Law
The Girl Scout Promise and Law introduce the concept of responsibility. Coloring the Daisy Flower Friends at your first meeting and reciting the Promise and Law at every meeting remind girls about the idea. At a subsequent meeting, teach and discuss the song "When E're You Make a Promise" to reinforce the concept. Throughout the year, refer to the concept of being responsible for your actions when you calmly and patiently let a girl know angry or cruel behavior is unacceptable.
2 Responsibility for Plants and Aminals
Planting seeds and following through on watering them teaches Daisy Girl Scouts that the plants will grow only if the girls act responsibly. Keep the seedlings at your meeting location or send them home and present each girl with The Watering Can Award when the seedlings sprout. During meetings, play the nature game where each girl acts out an animal or natural object and the group discusses how to care for each one.
3 Responsibility With Other People
Role playing allows girls to see how their actions affect other people. Use these games in meetings and discuss how they might apply in real life after the girls finish playing. Begin with games or activities to express feelings; have the girls make faces when you present happy, sad or angry scenarios, or make stick puppets expressing those emotions. At a future meeting, present conflict scenarios and let the girls act out their responses.
4 Responsibilities in the Community
Providing one-time service to the community and creating long-term service learning projects teach Daisy Girl Scouts about responsibility in action. Community service might involve bringing canned food to a meeting and delivering it to a food bank or singing holiday songs to residents of a nursing home. Service learning projects begin with a discussion of problems in their community, move to brainstorming solutions and culminate in a project to help address the problem, such as making and displaying posters at school to discourage littering.