Things That Are Makruh in Islam
29 SEP 2017

In Islam, the word "makruh" is defined as anything that is inappropriate, distasteful or offensive. Although makruh actions are less severe than sins, or haram, it is highly recommended to avoid performing them. Rather than doing makruh things, one should strive to cultivate positive values such as truth, love and compassion. This will give a Muslim a better chance of reaping Allah's or God's rewards.
1 Materialism
When one's focus is heavily on materialism, the risk of sins and makruh are high. Complaining about life's hardships, expressing grief about finances or mourning the loss of material objects are all makruh. Moreover bragging about one's financial successes, craving praise and having long-lasting hopes about the future are also makruh. Muslims believe that these traits should be abandoned, and more spiritual traits should be cultivated.
2 Makruh Food
Flesh of swine, carrion, poured out blood and animals consecrated in the name of deities other than God are prohibited, according to the Shari‘ah or Islamic religious law. Consumption of any of these is considered haram. However, other kinds of food are considered makruh. Muslims believe that makruh food is determined by their own innate guidance. Moreover, the Quran states that man should only eat pure food and anything that is impure is regarded as makruh. This includes food that is spoiled or rotten.
3 Fasting
Fasting one or two days before the holy month of Ramadan is makruh. Ramadan marks the period when the Prophet Muhammad received his revelation. With exception of the sacred month of Ramadan, it is makruh to fast on Fridays and Saturdays. Fasts are also prohibited on March 21, which marks the Iranian New Year and the arrival of spring. In addition, it is makruh for a guest to fast without the permission of his host and for a child to fast without the permission of his father.
4 Untruthfulness
It is considered makruh to engage in and speak about untruthful matters, according to Islam. Gossiping, lying, lying when joking, speaking about matters that would have been better to be kept private, accusing someone of something in a joke, making fun of others, joking a lot and laughing too much are all considered makruh. To avoid these acts, it is best to be true and authentic with one's word and deeds.