How to Teach Preschool Children to Write Their Name by Themselves

One of the more important lessons children should learn in preschool is how to write their name. Children will be expected to do this in kindergarten, and teaching them to write their name can help you ease children into writing the entire alphabet. Each child will learn at his own speed, so never criticize a child who is moving slowly. Teach children to write their first name first, then move on to writing last names.

Make a name tag for each child. Write each name in large, clear letters on strips of paper. Tape a tag to each child's spot at circle time and the snack table. Most preschoolers will already be able to recognize their names, but putting each child's name in front of him all day will help him learn.

Write all the letters of the alphabet on one long strip of paper. Give one to each child. Having a personal alphabet sheet helps children to study the alphabet more closely than a large alphabet poster on the wall.

Ask children to find and circle all of the letters in their names on the alphabet sheet. Children may be able to find all the letters they recognize from their names but still struggle to put them in order.

Walk around to visit each child. One at a time, ask children to point at each letter in their name in order. Correct children if necessary.

Give each child a name tracing sheet. Write each child's name onto his sheet using dotted or dashed lines. Write his name in large letters all over the sheet. Make copies of each child's sheet and have children complete one tracing sheet each day.

Ask children to trace their name into play dough, finger paint or wet sand. Once they've become familiar with forming the letters of their name, it will be easier to create the letters on their own using their fingers as a utensil instead of a pencil. Give each child a lump of clay or bowl of wet sand or paint to write in which to write the name.

Give each child a piece of lined paper. At the top of the page, write his name in dotted lines. Children must first trace their names once, then rewrite their names on their own on the plain dotted lines.