What Is the Significance of the Quran?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe Allah, or God, gave the Quran directly to them to correct earlier, inaccurate holy texts, such as the Old and New Testaments. Many Muslims study the book every day to guide the way they lead their lives.
1 History
Muslims believe Allah revealed the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad over the course of approximately 22 years. Scholars speculate the Quran's origin to be as early as the year 610. While followers of Islam believe that the Quran was given to Muhammad, some scholars believe that Caliph Uthman may have written it down after Muhammad died.
2 Reading the Quran
There are 114 chapters, known as or Surahs, in the Quran. Many Muslims read the Quran by dividing it into 30 equal parts, called juz'. The goal is to try to read one juz' each day, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. Early Muslims memorized the Quran to pass it along verbally to the next generation because they couldn't read, but memorizing the Quran is not required today. Followers treat the Quran with reverence; Muslim's don't eat, speak, drink or make noise while anyone reads the Quran.
3 Beliefs
Muslims believe the Quran is the most holy book because it remains unaltered, whereas disciples of other religions altered their holy texts through successive generations. By following the word of Allah, as written in the Quran, Muslims believe they can achieve happiness on Earth and peace in the afterlife. The Quran dictates how to avoid the influences of the devil, or Shaytaan and escape hell. While followers also read the Hadith, only the Quran comes directly from Allah, so this book is sacred.
4 Power
Islam teaches that if you read the Quran in its entirety, Allah will grant one of your prayers. Traditionally, Muslims read the Quran and then they pray to Allah. Islamic people view the Quran as a source of guidance and societal laws.