Science Research Topics for College Students

The scientific community is a huge one -- and so is the range of topics it has researched in the course of its long history. Choosing a topic for a science research paper in college may seem particularly daunting. However, some topics have become increasingly relevant and interesting in recent years and, accordingly, stand out as potential research topics.
1 The Human Genome: Developments and Implications
The human genome is the site in which hereditary information is stored for an individual. The genome houses all of the material that influences the physical traits or inclinations people receive from their parents. In 1989, the Human Genome Project -- HGP -- was launched internationally in an attempt to decode the human genome, mapping the sequence of base pairs of which human DNA is composed. The map was completed in 2003, but the future developments and full implications of this research are still unknown.
2 Natural Disasters
When a natural disaster occurs, the entire world is instantly aware. While the disaster itself may affect only a particular area, media coverage of these events is nearly always extensive. Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions are often spectacular and devastating, both of which help account for the widespread attention they receive. The origins and prevalence of, and potential responses to, these events are important topics for research.
3 Cloning
Cloning is the process by which genetically identical beings are created either naturally or artificially. Natural cloning is common and has been around throughout history as asexual life -- such as bacteria -- reproduce. In recent decades, however, artificial cloning has been possible: the cloning of genetic material can be done in labs. The implications of cloning are still unclear, and the ethical debates that surround the issue are often complicated and impassioned. For instance, is it acceptable to clone human tissue to save or improve lives? Who makes these decisions?
4 Alternative Energy Sources
Given the costs, decreasing availability and environmentally hazardous effects of conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels, alternative energy has gained significant attention in recent years. Several forms of alternative energy exist, such as solar power, geothermal power and wind power. However, scientists, policy makers and others debate the viability and potential benefits of these sources. What these sources are, how they work and how they may be developed for human use is thus an important research topic.