The 7 Learning Styles

Every person's learning style is different. Some people must visualize a concept while others require the hands on approach. Whatever the style, it falls into one of seven common learning styles. Recognizing which applies is the first step in learning.
1 History
Every human has an individual learning style. This notion was first observed by Aristotle in 334 BC, he noticed differences in young children and how they related to individuality. Thousands of years later, personality theories and classifications advanced. The early focus was on memory and visual methods. When IQ scores increased in popularity, learning styles research declined. In the last couple of decades, there has been a renewed interest and classrooms across the country are applying the results.
2 Significance
The significance of learning styles is many-sided and all around beneficial. If parents know the learning style of their child, then appropriate methods can be introduced to enhance the learning experience. Conflict will be reduced and self esteem increased. Adults, who are in tune with their individual style, learn new material quicker and perform at a higher level.
3 Function
The 7 Learning Styles are primarily used in education. The classroom is the quintessential research lab. Every style can be observed at any given time. The styles are used to enhance learning through multiple classroom activities. A good classroom teacher will utilize every tool at their disposal.
4 Types
Linguistic – characterized by strong memory and the love of reading, writing, and storytelling. Logical – tend to be logical in thing and reasoning. This style has an insatiable curiosity towards the inner workings of objects. Spatial – known as the visualizers. Good at interacting with colors and pictures. Also, this style has a tendency to daydream. Musical – characterized by the love of music, likes to study while listening to music, and memorizes better when set to a tune. Bodily – this learner is always on the move. They display emotions and learn through touching and feeling. It is hard to keep these learners in their seat. Interpersonal – very outgoing personality and fits well in a crowd. This style learns better in a group setting with a lot of interaction. Intrapersonal – strong willed personality that likes to work alone. This learning style learns best by being left to work on assignments alone, with periodic one-on-one interaction.
5 Identification
The identification of learning styles is the first step in helping you or your child become an effective learner. Start by observing your child while they are experiencing new things. Their actions or inactions will quickly clue into their individual learning style. Things to look for: Does your child use their hands to explore their environment? Does your child interact with other children? Does your child listen intently or daydream?
- 1 Authorsden
- 2 MyTeacher