How to Find the Death Point in an Astrology Chart
29 SEP 2017

Astrology has been part of human spirituality since about 3000 B.C., when people of the Mesopotamian civilizations began watching the sky.. Astrology once played a larger part in people’s lives. People determined the course of their lives with it — and even tried to learn the dates of their deaths. In modern society, astrology is no longer as influential and a code of ethics for today's practioners prevents them from making certain predictions that cannot be determined by other means. Regardless, some aspects of a chart might be more related to death and transitions than others.
Determine if your client is emotionally and psychically mature enough to handle information about death. According to the In Plain Sight website, some individuals that receive death predictions “lose virtually all interest in life and expect to die, and some do. Whether they believe in black magic (a "death hex"), or that the stars have fated it, they do die.” Practitioners have a lot of responsibility to prevent unintended harm to their clients and, as stated above, predicting death is falling out of favor among astrologers.
Understand the association of the planets with death and types of death. According to the Find Your Fate website, all planets play a part of predicting death in an astrology chart. Saturn is involved in predicting a long and drawn-out death, but can also predict a long and uneventful life, as well. Hades can be involved in predicting deaths from chronic illnesses. Sudden deaths can also be suggested by the planets: Uranus is tied to surgical deaths, Neptune is tied to water-related and drug-related deaths, and Pluto is tied to swift and violent deaths. Mars is considered a “trigger,” while Jupiter and Venus are both typically present in predicting a death aspect It is incumbent on the astrologer to examine the entire chart to understand the influences of the planets on death.
The eighth house in a person’s chart is typically associated with the death aspect, depending on whether planets traditionally considered benefic (positive) or malefic (negative) are present there. These designations are also divided into weak and strong. The benefic planets are Venus (weak) and Jupiter (strong). The malefic planets are Mars (weak) and Saturn (strong). Planets are not the only influence in the eighth house. The solar return, progressions, and directions can also indicate the activation of the death aspect. Once the eighth house has been activated, there is a good chance that the other malefic houses (sixth and twelfth) will be activated, as will be the fourth house (the house of endings).
Understand that “death energy” is not the same as death itself. It might be necessary to determine if this period is simply describing a period of tumultuous change in a person’s chart. While the preceding planets and houses may indicate that there is a great deal of death energy at a particular time in an individual’s chart, the time and place of his or her death is not fixed. A great deal depends on the individual’s expectations and actions. Depending on the client’s decisions in terms of that energy and its use, that individual may live beyond the period high in death energy, sometimes for an extended period of good health.