The Advantages of Living in the Medieval Times

The medieval world saw some outstanding achievements. Magnificent cathedrals were constructed throughout Europe; they remain awe-inspiring centuries later. It was also an age of exploration, with the first Europeans landing on the North American continent. The ingenuity of printers Johann Gutenberg and William Caxton brought literature to the masses for the first time.
1 Chivalry
The Middle Ages saw the emergence of chivalry, a moral code for medieval knights. A chivalric knight was expected to be both brave and skilled in battle, but this was always underscored by his need to be generous to a defeated opponent. Chivalric knights were courteous to the women they loved. The desire to be a righteous person transcended the need to win at all costs.
2 Safer Roads
Towns and cities have always been busy, bustling places. This would have been the case for anyone living in the medieval world. The roads, however, would have been less crowded and polluted because there were no motorized forms of transport. Also, populations were much smaller. The horse provided the quickest mode of transport in the Middle Ages. As a consequence, the roads would have been safer than they are today.
3 Living Closer to Nature
People of the medieval world had a respect for nature. Because communities were more self-contained, looking after the land locally was important. Because of the strong emphasis on an agricultural way of life, simpler technology and no factories, the medieval person would not have encountered the man-made pollution that future generations would face.
4 The Renaissance
The Renaissance was arguably the greatest time of artistic creation in the history of mankind. Much of Renaissance art could be seen in medieval cathedrals. It would have inspired both rich and poor people alike. Centered around Italy, the people of the Renaissance saw a resurgence in great art and learning. The knowledge gained during the Renaissance benefited society; a greater understanding of the human body emerged.