Advantages and Disadvantages of Feudalism
24 JUN 2018

Feudalism played a major role in the Middle Ages. It drew a clear line separating different social classes and created codependency between the rich and the poor. Like any complicated economic system, there were advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the fundamental concepts, benefits and drawbacks of feudalism can provide insight into humanity's economic and social history.
1 Feudalism Defined
Feudalism was a social and political system practiced in Europe, Japan and China during the Middle Ages. It was a mutual agreement between a lord and his subordinates. In the middle of the hierarchy were the lord's vassals. These people were nobility who swore an oath of loyalty to their lord. It was essentially a contract created for mutual benefit. In exchange for some land and protection, vassals were required to provide a certain amount of military service. This exchange granted security for vassals and significant financial gains for their lord. At the bottom of the pyramid were the serfs. Serfs were peasants who worked the land and provided surplus goods and taxes to the lord and his vassals.
2 Advantages, But Not For Everyone
A general advantage of feudalism was the stability that it brought. Serfs supported the infrastructure by providing essential goods and services. This, combined with an organized system of protection, helped maintain a steady balance that kept the kingdoms running. Although this system was instrumental for social order, the true advantages were felt by the lord and his close associates. They enjoyed vast material gain at the expense of the serfs.
3 Disadvantages for the Poor
In a system so divided between rich and poor, the peasants were the ones who felt the disadvantages of feudalism. Serfs made a subsistence living in which they had to forfeit virtually everything to keep their homes. Compounding that hardship were the often heavy taxes that these individuals had to pay. The serfs also had no rights or independence. The church and the lords were the judge and jury when it came to legal matters.
4 Drawbacks that Led to the End of Feudalism
A variety of social changes and events led to the eventual decline of the feudal system. With increased trade came centralized growth in towns, so peasants were able to leave their land and pursue their own means of income. This was certainly an advantage for the peasants, but was a disadvantage to the lords who relied on the peasants hard work for their own material wealth. The overall drawback here was that the reliance on land and agriculture was used to determine economic relationships, and when that reliance shifted to allow the lower classes to gain self-sufficiency, feudalism faded out and eventually ended.