A case scenario is a made-up situation or problem using real-life constraints and affects in order to discuss and predict how a certain situation could turn out in the real world. By testing the potential outcomes of a problem, those problems are sometimes easier to avoid and solve. Case scenarios are also a great way to test the problem-solving skills of others and when writing one, you can determine the level of difficulty. A well-written case scenario seeks to engage your audience and results in discussions and the assimilation of new ideas and information.

Come up with a problem as close to reality as possible. All the normal rules and laws that apply in real life must apply in your problem as well, although they might be considered constraints. Your problem should also be based on something that will interest your readers. Provide all the necessary basic information regarding the problem, including a summary and an analysis of its history. Include all constraints and, if possible, the result of any previous solutions that might pertain to your problem.

Keep your scenario short enough that it can be read over quickly and easily. The shorter the case, the more time your readers have to understand and respond to it. Include information that your readers would have gained through previous experiences, training or education. If your readers can understand the context of the problem and the issues it brings, they are more likely to be willing to suggest a solution.

Ask questions, at the end of the problem, that steer your readers towards discussion. Since each reader has likely had different experiences and training, each of them will have differing responses. The more specific your questions are, the better your reader understands what you are asking. It also helps to ask the same questions more than once, perhaps in different forms. This will help your reader better understand what you are asking.

Test out your case scenario, when you have finished writing it, on one or two readers that will not be participating in your discussion. Ask specific questions of your practice readers to ensure that the case scenario is clearly written and easily understood, and that there will not be any time constraints. Also check that your reader can come up with at least one solution. If he cannot, find out why, and then rework your case to fix any issues.

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