2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Conversion Factors in a Word Problem How to Do Conversion Factors in a Word Problem. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. When doing conversion factors in a word problem, you're going to want to make sure that you convert all elements using the same units. Do conversion factors in a word problem with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 140 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Intercepts of a Piecewise Function How to Find Intercepts of a Piecewise Function. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Finding the intercepts of a piecewise function will require you to look at both the X and Y intercepts. Find the intercepts of a piecewise function with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 166 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve a Square of a Binomial How to Solve a Square of a Binomial. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving a square of a binomial is something that requires you to work with two copies of it that are then multiplied with each other. Solve a square of a binomial with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 94 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does a Census Sample Mean in Math? What Does a Census Sample Mean in Math?. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. A census means that you get data from an entire population. Find out what a census sample means in math with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 51 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Get a Bachelor's Degree in Math How to Get a Bachelor's Degree in Math. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Getting a bachelor's degree in math is going to require you to have at least 51 hours of courses. Get a bachelor's degree in math with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 58 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Change Fractions With Unlike Denominators, but the Same Numerator How to Change Fractions With Unlike Denominators, but the Same Numerator. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Changing fractions with unlike denominators but the same numerator requires you to just compare them and multiply them depending on the situation. Change fractions with unlike denominators but the same numerator with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 120 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Polynomials Using the Box Method How to Divide Polynomials Using the Box Method. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Dividing polynomials using the box method is actually a really great way to save yourself a lot of time. Divide polynomials using the box method with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 161 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Least Positive Integer How to Find the Least Positive Integer. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. When finding the least positive integer, you're going to have to use what is called the ceiling function. Find the least positive integer with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 82 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve a Quartic How to Solve a Quartic. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving a quadratic requires you to find out what the value of X really is. Solve a quadratic with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 167 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph Radians How to Graph Radians. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Graphing radians is something that will require you to have access to a very specific type of paper. Graph radians with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 87 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Proportion Problems How to Solve Proportion Problems. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving proportion problems is something that you can do by first identifying all of the elements contained within it. Solve proportion problems with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 106 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve an Inequality Problem With a Fraction How to Solve an Inequality Problem With a Fraction. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving an inequality problem with a fraction is something that will require you to first simplify the expression. Solve an inequality problem with a fraction with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 164 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Quadratics Set to Zero How to Solve Quadratics Set to Zero. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving quadratics set to zero is something that you can do by first factoring some of the numbers. Solve quadratics set to zero with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 178 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Quadratic Functions From a Graph Not Crossing the X Axis How to Find Quadratic Functions From a Graph Not Crossing the X Axis. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Finding quadratic functions from a graph that doesn't cross the X axis will involve a lot of work with parabolas. Find quadratic functions from a graph that doesn't cross the X axis with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 121 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Percent of Increase & Decrease Math Problems How to Solve Percent of Increase & Decrease Math Problems. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Solving percent of increase and decrease problems is something that you can do by finding the absolute value of the difference between two numbers. Solve percent of increase and decrease problems with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 140 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Improve Math Learning in School How to Improve Math Learning in School. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Improving math learning in school is something that you can do by reducing anxiety first and foremost. Improve math learning in school with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 266 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Add a Radical How to Add a Radical. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Adding a radical is essentially the same process as adding a square root. Add a radical with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 63 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Simplify Complex Addition How to Simplify Complex Addition. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Simplifying complex addition means making sure you know which numbers are real and which are "imaginary." Simplify complex addition with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 78 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Integers Between Two Positive Numbers How to Find Integers Between Two Positive Numbers. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Finding integers between two positive numbers will likely involve working a bit with decimals. Find integers between two positive numbers with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 106 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Inequalities How to Do Inequalities. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Doing inequalities will require you to work closely with a few different concepts, like ranges. Do inequalities with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 162 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Simplify Expressions Using the Order of Operations How to Simplify Expressions Using the Order of Operations. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. If you want to simplify expressions and make them easier to perform, you're going to have to familiarize yourself with the order of operations. Simplify expressions using the order of operations with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 276 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Name All Real Square Roots How to Name All Real Square Roots. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Naming all of the square roots is something that you can do with set theory notation or set notation. Name all real square roots with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 89 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Convert 4/11 to a Percentage How to Convert 4/11 to a Percentage. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Converting 4/11 to a percentage is something that you can do by dividing. Convert 4/11 to a percentage with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 124 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Base Times Height on a Parallelogram How to Do Base Times Height on a Parallelogram. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Doing base times height on a parallelogram is something that you can do to find the area. Do base times height on a parallelogram with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 86 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph the Absolute Value of Y=X-1 How to Graph the Absolute Value of Y=X-1. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Graphing the absolute value of Y=X-1 is something that you can do using translations. Graph the absolute value of Y=X-1 with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 70 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Multiply Triple Digits by Double Digits How to Multiply Triple Digits by Double Digits. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Multiplying triple digits by double digits will require you to put the triple digit number on top. Multiply triple digits by double digits with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 138 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Three Digits by Two How to Divide Three Digits by Two. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Dividing three digits by two doesn't require the use of a calculator if you know what you're doing. Divide three digits by two with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 169 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Change a Factor Into a Decimal How to Change a Factor Into a Decimal. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Changing a factor into a decimal will require a bit of division on your part. Change a factor into a decimal with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 105 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide Negative Numbers How to Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide Negative Numbers. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing negative numbers are all processes that require you to follow the same basic steps. Add, subtract, multiply and divide negative numbers with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 119 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph Y=-3/4x How to Graph Y=-3/4x. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Graphing any equation will likely involve making a T-chart. Graph Y= -3/4x with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 How to See if a Graph Is Linear How to See if a Graph Is Linear. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. You can see if a graph is linear by looking at the shape of the graph, among other techniques. See if a graph is linear with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 43 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Remember Trigonometric Values of Reference Angles How to Remember Trigonometric Values of Reference Angles. Part of the series: Solving Math Problems. Remembering the trigonometric values of reference angles is a process that might be easier if you use examples. Remember the trigonometric values of reference angles with help from an experienced math professional in this free video clip. 247 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the GCF of a Composite Number How to Find the GCF of a Composite Number. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The acronym GCF stands for greatest common factor. Find the GCF of a composite number with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Determine Common & Uncommon Multiples How to Determine Common & Uncommon Multiples. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Determining the common and uncommon multiples of numbers will require you to begin by prime factoring. Determine the common and uncommon multiples of numbers with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 104 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Median of a Histogram How to Find the Median of a Histogram. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Finding the median of a histogram will require you to first add up the number of people involved. Find the median of a histogram with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 76 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the X of a Geometric Sequence How to Find the X of a Geometric Sequence. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Finding the X of a geometric sequence will involve using a few other numbers that you will already know. Find the X of a geometric sequence with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 Integrated Math & Science Activities Integrated Math & Science Activities. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Integrated math and science activities often begin with a sample number. Find out about integrated math and science activities with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 85 2017-03-31 1.0 Students Learn Life Skills in Math Curriculum Students Learn Life Skills in Math Curriculum. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Students learn life skills in math curriculum in a variety of ways, including through rate comparisons. Find out about students learning life skills in math curriculum with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 95 2017-03-31 1.0 Importance of Math & Science in the Modern World Importance of Math & Science in the Modern World. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The importance of math and science in the modern world involves navigating your way through traffic, among other qualities. Find out about the importance of math and science in the modern world with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 109 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is an Equation for Displacement & Distance in Physics? What Is an Equation for Displacement & Distance in Physics?. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. An equation for displacement and distance in physics will require you to find F, minus I. Find out about an equation for displacement and distance in physics with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 99 2017-03-31 1.0 FCAT Math Vocabulary FCAT Math Vocabulary. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. FCAT stands for Foreign Comprehensive Assessment Test. Find out about FCAT math vocabulary with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 103 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Learn Physics Formulas How to Learn Physics Formulas. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Learning physics formulas include those like momentum, which equals mass times velocity. Learn physics formulas with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 91 2017-03-31 1.0 Interactive Math Games for Grades 9 Through 12 Interactive Math Games for Grades 9 Through 12. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Interactive math games for grades 9 through 12 involve breaking your students down into groups. Find out about interactive math games for grades 9 through 12 with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 82 2017-03-31 1.0 Independent Learning Math Projects Independent Learning Math Projects. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Independent learning math projects require a few key tools, like a small container of water. Find out about independent learning math projects with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 84 2017-03-31 1.0 The Contribution of Math to Roller Coasters The Contribution of Math to Roller Coasters. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The contribution of math to roller coasters involves the speeds and angles of the tracks and the cars. Find out about the contribution of math to roller coasters with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 72 2017-03-31 1.0 Solutions to Difficulties in Learning Math Solutions to Difficulties in Learning Math. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Solutions to difficulties in learning math require you to find out why something is difficult in the first place. Find out about solutions to difficulties in learning math with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 91 2017-03-31 1.0 Information on Logic & Math Learning Styles Information on Logic & Math Learning Styles. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Logic and math learning styles will likely vary dramatically depending on the student. Get information on logic and math learning styles with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 99 2017-03-31 1.0 Possible Classroom Uses of Cryptography in Math Possible Classroom Uses of Cryptography in Math. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Possible classroom uses of cryptography in math will have to do with the solving of puzzles. Find out about possible classroom uses of cryptography in math with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 99 2017-03-31 1.0 Stem & Leaf Math Activities Stem & Leaf Math Activities. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Stem and leaf math activities can involve plotting grades and other characteristics. Find out about stem and leaf math activities with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 98 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Projects on Triangles Math Projects on Triangles. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Math projects on triangles can include the calculations of the heights of buildings and more. Find out about great math projects on triangles with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Illumination Activities Math Illumination Activities. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Math illumination activities can involve a large number of different topics on numbers. Find out about math illumination activities with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 94 2017-03-31 1.0 How Does Geometry Help Physics? How Does Geometry Help Physics?. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Geometry definitely helps with physics in a variety of fun and interesting ways. Find out about how geometry helps physics with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 91 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Determine the Atomic Radius of Oxygen in Meters How to Determine the Atomic Radius of Oxygen in Meters. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The atomic radius of oxygen is traditionally measured in picometers. Determine the atomic radius of oxygen in meters with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 73 2017-03-31 1.0 Expressing the Radius of an Atom in Nanometers Expressing the Radius of an Atom in Nanometers. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Expressing the radius of an atom in nanometers will require you to convert from picometers. Learn about expressing the radius of an atom in nanometers with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 89 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Derive Physics Equations How to Derive Physics Equations. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. When it comes to physics equations, A is acceleration and V is velocity. Derive physics equations with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, in this free video clip. 85 2017-03-31 1.0 Practical Math Projects Practical Math Projects. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Practical math projects can involve topics like the consumption of goods or food in the home. Find out about great practical math projects with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 83 2017-03-31 1.0 Real World Examples of How We Use Math on a Daily Basis Real World Examples of How We Use Math on a Daily Basis. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Real world examples of how we use math on a daily basis have to do with characteristics like taxi cabs. Get real world examples of how we use math on a daily basis with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 76 2017-03-31 1.0 How Is Math Used by Detectives in Homicides? How Is Math Used by Detectives in Homicides?. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Math is used in detectives in homicides by looking at the shell casings of a bullet, among other factors. Find out about how math is used by detectives in homicides with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 115 2017-03-31 1.0 How Do Scientists Know the Mass of Mars? How Do Scientists Know the Mass of Mars?. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Scientists know the mass of Mars by determining other pieces of information like the radius and extrapolating from there. Find out how scientists know the mass of Mars with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 98 2017-03-31 1.0 Pythagorean Theorem in Physics Pythagorean Theorem in Physics. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Pythagorean theorem in physics refers to right triangles and a few other pieces of information. Find out about the Pythagorean theorem in physics with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 83 2017-03-31 1.0 The Mathematical Equation for Density The Mathematical Equation for Density. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The mathematical equation for density is equal to the ratio of mass per unit volume. Find out about the mathematical equation for density with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 65 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Integrate Using Trig Substitutions How to Integrate Using Trig Substitutions. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Integrating using trig substitutions is something that you might do while working with square roots. Integrate using trig substitutions with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 141 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Sequence Sums How to Solve Sequence Sums. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Solving sequence sums will require you to identify the individual parts of your equation and what they each represent. Solve sequence sums with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 77 2017-03-31 1.0 Linear Functions Math Projects Linear Functions Math Projects. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Linear functions math projects can involve jogging, as well as a few other important types of information. Find out about linear functions math projects with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 86 2017-03-31 1.0 Soccer-Related Math Projects Soccer-Related Math Projects. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Soccer-related math projects can deal with passes per goal, among other characteristics. Find out about soccer-related math projects with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 94 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is "-|5|" on Math Homework? What Is "-|5|" on Math Homework?. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. The value, "-|5|", on math homework is something known as an absolute value. Find out what "-|5|" means on math homework with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 91 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve for Kelvin How to Solve for Kelvin. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Solving for Kelvin will require you to plug numbers into a very important equation. Solve for Kelvin with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 110 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do an Algorithm for Multiplication How to Do an Algorithm for Multiplication. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Doing an algorithm for multiplication will require you to first identify the numbers that you're working with. Do an algorithm for multiplication with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 104 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Algebra Problems With Two Variables on the Same Side How to Solve Algebra Problems With Two Variables on the Same Side. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Solving algebra problems with two variables on the same side will require you to get the variables by themselves. Solve algebra problems with two variables on the same side with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 72 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Cross-Simplify How to Cross-Simplify. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Cross-simplifying is a great way to make certain types of equations a whole lot easier to solve. Learn how to cross-simplify with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Calculate the Diameter of Human Hair How to Calculate the Diameter of Human Hair. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Calculating the diameter of human hair will require you to use an infrared beam. Calculate the diameter of human hair with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 111 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Use Trig Identities to Simplify an Expression How to Use Trig Identities to Simplify an Expression. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Using trig identities to simplify and expression will require the use of a few key techniques, like sine and cosine. Use trig identities to simplify an expression with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph Binomials How to Graph Binomials. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. When graphing a binomial, you'll need to break the equation down into its individual parts. Graph binomials with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 85 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write Quadratic Equations if the Given Numbers Are Fractions How to Write Quadratic Equations if the Given Numbers Are Fractions. Part of the series: Learning Math Skills. Writing quadratic equations if the numbers are given as fractions will resemble the form of AX squared + BX + C equals 0. Write quadratic equations if the numbers are given as fractions with help from an expert in computers, with two degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in this free video clip. 89 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Decompose Polygons to Find the Area How to Decompose Polygons to Find the Area. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Decomposing polygons to find the area is something that you can do with a shape like a trapezoid. Decompose polygons to find the area with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 115 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Where Two Functions Intersect How to Find Where Two Functions Intersect. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Finding where two functions intersect will likely require you to graph them. Find where two functions intersect with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 155 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Convert From Kelvin Temperatures to Degrees Celsius How to Convert From Kelvin Temperatures to Degrees Celsius. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Converting from Kelvin temperatures to Celsius is actually a very simple equation. Convert from Kelvin temperatures to Celsius with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 127 2017-03-31 1.0 How Many Degrees Are in a Kelvin? How Many Degrees Are in a Kelvin?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Kelvin is a unit of temperature measurement, similar to Celsius or Fahrenheit. Find out how many degrees are in a Kelvin with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 90 2017-03-31 1.0 Description of How to Convert From Kelvin to Celsius Description of How to Convert From Kelvin to Celsius. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Converting from Kelvin to Celsius is actually a very basic subtraction problem. Get a description of how to convert from Kelvin to Celsius with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 71 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Teach Math Coordinates How to Teach Math Coordinates. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Teaching math coordinates requires you to use a Cartesian coordinate plane. Teach math coordinates with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 105 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does Outlier Mean in Math? What Does Outlier Mean in Math?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. An outlier in math is a point that is separate from the rest of the points. Find out what outlier means in math with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 63 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide the Old-Fashioned Way How to Divide the Old-Fashioned Way. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Dividing the old-fashioned way is also referred to as using long division. Divide the old-fashioned way with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 187 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is an Open Sentence in Math Terms? What Is an Open Sentence in Math Terms?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. An open sentence in math terms is a bit like an open sentence in the English language. Find out about an open sentence in math terms with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 101 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does Independent & Dependent Mean in Math Terms? What Does Independent & Dependent Mean in Math Terms?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Independent and dependent variables are typically formatted as X and Y in equations. Find out what independent and dependent means in math with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 95 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does a Non-Linear Equation Mean in Math Terms? What Does a Non-Linear Equation Mean in Math Terms?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Non-linear equations in math is one that does not form a straight line when graphed. Find out what a non-linear equation means in math with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 116 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are Intercepts in Math? What Are Intercepts in Math?. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Intercepts in maths mean different things depending on what type of math you're talking about. Find out about intercepts in math with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 130 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph Equations on One Set of Axes How to Graph Equations on One Set of Axes. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Graphing equations on one set of axes is a process that will require you to fund numbers that are central to the origin. Graph equations on one set of axes with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 151 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide With 2 Digits How to Divide With 2 Digits. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Dividing with two digits is a process that you can do with long division in just a few moments. Divide with two digits with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 346 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Scope of an Equation How to Find the Scope of an Equation. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. Finding the scope of an equation will require you to write the equation in slope intercept form. Find the scope of an equation with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 118 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Where a Quadratic Formula & a Linear Line Intersect How to Find Where a Quadratic Formula & a Linear Line Intersect. Part of the series: Math Topics & Tips. When finding where a quadratic formula and a linear line intersect, you'll want to note the points at which both lines meet up. Find where a quadratic formula and a linear line intersect with help from an experienced mathematics educator in this free video clip. 150 2017-03-31 1.0 What Kind of Planets Are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune? What Kind of Planets Are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune?. Part of the series: Gas Giant Planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas giants which means that they don't have a well defined solid surface like the earth and Mars do. Find out more about what kind of planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are with help from an experienced graduate student in this free video clip. 49 2017-03-31 1.0 How Long Is a Neptune Year? How Long Is a Neptune Year?. Part of the series: Gas Giant Planets. A year is defined as the amount of time it takes for a planet to make an orbit around the sun. Find out how long a year is on Neptune with help from an experienced graduate student in this free video clip. 46 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Large Equatorial Bulge of Jupiter? What Is the Large Equatorial Bulge of Jupiter?. Part of the series: Gas Giant Planets. Jupiter's rotation rate of ten hours is so fast that centrifugal acceleration causes the equator to bulge out more than the polar regions. Find out about the large equatorial bulge of Jupiter with help from an experienced graduate student in this free video clip. 40 2017-03-31 1.0 Similarities of Uranus & Neptune Similarities of Uranus & Neptune. Part of the series: Gas Giant Planets. Uranus and Neptune are the two most distant planets in the solar system, and they have a number of similarities. Find out about the similarities between Uranus and Neptune with help from an experienced graduate student in this free video clip. 54 2017-03-31 1.0 What Happens to the Pressure of a Gas if You Decrease the Volume of the Container That Holds It? What Happens to the Pressure of a Gas if You Decrease the Volume of the Container That Holds It?. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Pressure is the force per unit area and the force is a result of little collisions between atoms and molecules within the vessel along the surface. Find out what happens to the pressure of a gas if you decrease the volume by half with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 83 2017-03-31 1.0 How Is Diffusion Used in Real Life? How Is Diffusion Used in Real Life?. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Diffusion is simply the mixing of two materials based on kinetic energy of the molecules or atoms. Find out how diffusion is used in real life with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 126 2017-03-31 1.0 Does the Solubility of Solid Salt Increase With the Volume of Water? Does the Solubility of Solid Salt Increase With the Volume of Water?. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Solubility is a measure of the maximum amount of material that can be dissolved into another material. Find out if the solubility of solid salt increases with the volume of water with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 81 2017-03-31 1.0 Physics Project With Ice, String & Salt Physics Project With Ice, String & Salt. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Physics projects with ice, string and salt are used to prove a wide variety of different theories. Find out about physics projects with ice, string and salt with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 61 2017-03-31 1.0 Easy Physics Projects on Refraction Easy Physics Projects on Refraction. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. wefraction is a change in direction of a wave as a result of entering a medium of a different refractive index. Find out about easy physics projects on refraction with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 128 2017-03-31 1.0 Projects in Physics Balancing the Center of Gravity Projects in Physics Balancing the Center of Gravity. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. The center of gravity is simply a location within an object that marks the average location of all of the mass in the object. Find out about projects in physics balancing the center of gravity with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 107 2017-03-31 1.0 Science Experiments Related to Pressure Science Experiments Related to Pressure. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Pressure is a measure of the force acting on a surface per unit area. Find out about science experiments related to pressure with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 78 2017-03-31 1.0 Science Experiment for Pressure Affecting Buoyancy Science Experiment for Pressure Affecting Buoyancy. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Buoyancy occurs as a result of different densities. Do a science experiment for pressure affecting buoyancy with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 83 2017-03-31 1.0 Anatomy of an Electrical Generator Anatomy of an Electrical Generator. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Electrical generators work based on a process known as electrical induction. Find out about the anatomy of an electrical generator with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 69 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Represent Electrons in an Energy Level Diagram How to Represent Electrons in an Energy Level Diagram. Part of the series: Getting Physical With Science. Representing electrons in an energy level diagram is something that you're going to have to do in a very specific way. Represent electrons in an energy level diagram with help from an associate professor of geology in this free video clip. 86 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Represent a Proportional Relationship How to Represent a Proportional Relationship. Part of the series: Math Foundations. A proportional relationship is one in which there is a constant ratio rate of change. Represent a proportional relationship with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 63 2017-03-31 1.0 Help With Precision in Math Help With Precision in Math. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Precision is the number of significant figures that are present in a number. Find out about precision in math with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 51 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Activities Using Integers Math Activities Using Integers. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Math activities using integers often require the use of tools like flash cards. Find out about math activities using integers with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 66 2017-03-31 1.0 Easy Way to Learn Exponents & Radicals in Math Easy Way to Learn Exponents & Radicals in Math. Part of the series: Math Foundations. An easy way to learn exponents and radicals in math is going to require you to study vocabulary. Find out about an easy way to learn exponents and radicals in math with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 89 2017-03-31 1.0 What Type of Data Is a Class Survey? What Type of Data Is a Class Survey?. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Data in a class survey can be qualitative or quantitative depending on the situation. Find out what type of data is a class survey with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 63 2017-03-31 1.0 Shortcut Way to Convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit Shortcut Way to Convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Part of the series: Math Foundations. The actual formula for converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit is that we need to take 9/5ths of the degrees written in Centigrade, add 32 to it and that will give us our Fahrenheit temperature. Find out about a shortcut way to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 54 2017-03-31 1.0 Help With Essential Math Help With Essential Math. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Essential math is knowing how to multiply, divide, add and subtract. Get assistance with essential math with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 92 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does the Term Commission Mean in Math? What Does the Term Commission Mean in Math?. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Commission is a fee that is paid for a service and it's usually a percentage. Find out what the term commission means in math with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 71 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Memorize Math How to Memorize Math. Part of the series: Math Foundations. The best way to memorize math or anything is through repetition. Find out about the best way to memorize math with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 46 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Terms for Percentages Math Terms for Percentages. Part of the series: Math Foundations. A percent really can be written as a fraction before it's converted into a percentage, so any words that indicate fractions would also be able to indicate percent. Find out about math terms for percentages with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 66 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Understand Nanometers How to Understand Nanometers. Part of the series: Math Foundations. A nanometer is a very small unit of measurement and one nanometer is one times 10 to the negative ninth meters, which is also the same thing as one billionth of a meter. Find out how to understand nanometers with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 49 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Percentage Increase or Decrease of a Number How to Find the Percentage Increase or Decrease of a Number. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Percentage increase in mathematics is also referred to as the change. Find out the percentage increase or decrease of a number with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Increased Percentage of a Value How to Find the Increased Percentage of a Value. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Finding the increased percentage of a value will require you to look closely at both old and new values. Find the increased percentage of a value with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 67 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Simplify Factors How to Simplify Factors. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Simplifying factors is one way to make them easier to work with. Simplify factors with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Discount Problems How to Solve Discount Problems. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Solving discount problems is a really great way to get prepared for those shopping trips. Solve discount problems with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 101 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do the Area of an Arrow How to Do the Area of an Arrow. Part of the series: Math Foundations. There is no formula for the area of an arrow. Find out how to solve for the area of an arrow with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 96 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Starting With the Basics How to Divide Starting With the Basics. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Dividing starting with the basics is a great way to slowly work up to more advanced concepts. Divide starting with the basics with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Represent a Sentence Using an Equation How to Represent a Sentence Using an Equation. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Representing a sentence using an equation is also known as a word problem. Represent a sentence using an equation with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 78 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Exponents With Brackets How to Solve Exponents With Brackets. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Brackets are just one of the many elements that you'll work with in various types of math equations. Solve exponents with brackets with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 64 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Construct a Triangle When Given the Angles How to Construct a Triangle When Given the Angles. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Constructing a triangle when given the three angles will require you to pay close attention to the lengths. Construct a triangle when given the three angles with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Reduced Fractions With Percents How to Do Reduced Fractions With Percents. Part of the series: Math Foundations. If you have a percent, such as 50 percent, and you want to make a reduced fraction out of it, the easiest way to make a percent a fraction is to simply write it over 100. Do reduced fractions with percents with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 62 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Understand Slope for Beginners How to Understand Slope for Beginners. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Slope means the steepness of a line. Find out about slope for beginners with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 105 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Percentages of Numbers How to Solve Percentages of Numbers. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Solving percentages of numbers usually involves some type of multiplication. Solve percentages of numbers with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 57 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Show a Range on a Graph How to Show a Range on a Graph. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Showing range on a graph will require you to pay close attention to both the X and Y axis. Show a range on a graph with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 73 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Opposite of 1 Divided by X? What Is the Opposite of 1 Divided by X?. Part of the series: Math Foundations. The opposite of one divided by X is going to be X divided by one. Find out about the opposite of 1 divided by X with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 51 2017-03-31 1.0 Are Adjacent Angles of a Square Congruent? Are Adjacent Angles of a Square Congruent?. Part of the series: Math Foundations. Adjacent angles of a square are congruent for a number of really interesting reasons. Find out about angles of a square that are congruent with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 43 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Co-Vertex of an Ellipse? What Is the Co-Vertex of an Ellipse?. Part of the series: Math Foundations. An ellipse typically has two major axis on it. Find out about the co-vertex of an ellipse with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 47 2017-03-31 1.0 Information on Galileo Discovering Saturn Information on Galileo Discovering Saturn. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Saturn is a very old planet and it's been known as long as people have been around that we know of. Get information on Galileo discovering Saturn with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 155 2017-03-31 1.0 What Passed by Mars? What Passed by Mars?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Lots of things pass by Mars, like asteroids. Find out what passed by Mars with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 159 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Sidereal Period of Planets? What Is the Sidereal Period of Planets?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. The sidereal period of planets is the time that it takes a planet to go all the way around the sun. Find out about the sidereal period of planets with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 134 2017-03-31 1.0 Ptolemy's Explanation of Why Planets Move at Different Speeds Ptolemy's Explanation of Why Planets Move at Different Speeds. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Ptolemy was an ancient Greek mathematician and he like a lot of the Greeks thought that the earth was in the center of the entire universe, but especially our solar system. Find outa bout Ptolemy's explanation of why the planets move at different speeds with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 145 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are the Average High & Low Temperatures on Planet Jupiter? What Are the Average High & Low Temperatures on Planet Jupiter?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Jupiter has several temperatures and it depends on deep you go. Find out about the average high and low temperatures on Jupiter with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 165 2017-03-31 1.0 10 Important Things About the Planet Mercury 10 Important Things About the Planet Mercury. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Mercury is many things, including the closest planet to the sun. Find out about ten important things about the planet Mercury with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 165 2017-03-31 1.0 Differences in the Surface of the Planets Mars, Earth, Mercury & Venus Differences in the Surface of the Planets Mars, Earth, Mercury & Venus. Part of the series: Studying Planets. The innermost planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Find out about the differences in the surface of the planets Mars, Venus, Earth and Mars with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 195 2017-03-31 1.0 Criteria for a Solar System Body to Be a Planet Criteria for a Solar System Body to Be a Planet. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Pluto was recently declassified as a planet by the International Astronomical Union. Find out about the criteria for a solar system body to be a planet with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 141 2017-03-31 1.0 Planet Mercury's Most Important Noticeable Features Planet Mercury's Most Important Noticeable Features. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Mercury never gets more than 28 degrees from the sun. Find out about the planet Mercury's most important noticeable features with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 241 2017-03-31 1.0 Why Does Jupiter Have the Shortest Day of Any Planet? Why Does Jupiter Have the Shortest Day of Any Planet?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Jupiter's rotational period is why it has the shortest day of any planet. Find out why Jupiter has the shortest day of any planet with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 184 2017-03-31 1.0 Explanation of Why Most of the Satellites & Planets Have Many Craters Explanation of Why Most of the Satellites & Planets Have Many Craters. Part of the series: Studying Planets. All of our things were formed about four point six billion years ago. Get an explanation of why most of the satellites and planets have craters with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 198 2017-03-31 1.0 What Planet Gives Off 2 Times as Much Heat as it Receives From the Sun? What Planet Gives Off 2 Times as Much Heat as it Receives From the Sun?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Saturn gives off twice as much heat as the sun. Find out more about the planet that gives off twice as much heat as the sun with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 184 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are the Forces That Keep All Planets in Orbit? What Are the Forces That Keep All Planets in Orbit?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. An orbit is when one object circles around another object. Find out about the forces that keep all planets in orbit with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 117 2017-03-31 1.0 Acronyms for Remembering the Order of Planets Acronyms for Remembering the Order of Planets. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Acronyms to memorize include the names of the planets, which can be tough you're just learning about them. Find out about acronyms for remembering the order of planets with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 110 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are the Planets in Order From Shortest Period of Revolution to Longest? What Are the Planets in Order From Shortest Period of Revolution to Longest?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Kepler is a German and he comes a little bit before Galileo. Find out about the planets in order from shortest to longest period of revolution with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 129 2017-03-31 1.0 An Explanation of Why Some Planets Have More Moons Than Others Do An Explanation of Why Some Planets Have More Moons Than Others Do. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Geography has a lot to do with why some planets have more moons than others. Get an explanation of why some planets have more moons than others with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 157 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Draw the Solar System on a Centimeter Scale How to Draw the Solar System on a Centimeter Scale. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Drawing the solar system on a centimeter scale will require you to draw a representation that isn't very big. Draw the solar system on a centimeter scale with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 120 2017-03-31 1.0 How Does Saturn's Atmosphere Affect the Planet? How Does Saturn's Atmosphere Affect the Planet?. Part of the series: Studying Planets. Saturn is a great big gas giant, as are most of our outer planets. Find out about how Saturn's atmosphere affects the planet with help from the manager, lecturer and program planner at the Taylor Planetarium at the World renown Museum of the Rockies in this free video clip. 214 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Put Perpendicular Lines Into Standard Form How to Put Perpendicular Lines Into Standard Form. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Perpendicular lines are lines that make a right angle, 90 degrees. Put perpendicular lines into standard form with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 114 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Learn Applied Math How to Learn Applied Math. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Applied math means math that can be applied to your everyday life. Learn applied math with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 95 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Learn Math Formulas How to Learn Math Formulas. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Learning math formulas doesn't have to involve straight memorization if you don't want it to. Learn math formulas with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 93 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does a Circled X Mean in Math? What Does a Circled X Mean in Math?. Part of the series: You Do the Math. A circled X in math can mean a few different things depending on the context. Find out what a circled X means in math with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 114 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write a Slope Equation With Two Coordinate Points How to Write a Slope Equation With Two Coordinate Points. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Writing a slope equation with two coordinate points will require you to pay very close attention to the X and Y axis. Write a slope equation with two coordinate points with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 155 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write a Function From a Graph How to Write a Function From a Graph. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Writing a function from a graph always requires you to keep a few key things in mind. Write a function from a graph with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 107 2017-03-31 1.0 Mole Ratio Method Mole Ratio Method. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Mole ratio method is something that you might do when working with elements. Find out about the mole ratio method with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 130 2017-03-31 1.0 The Decomposition Method of Factoring The Decomposition Method of Factoring. Part of the series: You Do the Math. The decomposition method of factoring is just one of the many different ways in which you can work with these types of numbers. Find out about the decomposition method of factoring with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 140 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Construct a 45-45-90 Degree Triangle With a Compass How to Construct a 45-45-90 Degree Triangle With a Compass. Part of the series: You Do the Math. A 45-45-90 is an isosceles right triangle. Construct a 45-454-90 degree triangle with a compass with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 101 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Determine if Similar Figures Are Congruent How to Determine if Similar Figures Are Congruent. Part of the series: You Do the Math. A figure that's similar means that it has the same angles. Determine if similar figures are congruent with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Construct a Perpendicular Line Through a Point How to Construct a Perpendicular Line Through a Point. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Constructing a perpendicular line through a point is something that will require you to pay close attention to the angle. Construct a perpendicular line through a point with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 73 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph a Table of Values How to Graph a Table of Values. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Graphing a table of values will require you to work closely with the individual plots. Graph a table of values with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 126 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Equations & Inequalities with Fractions Without the Same Denominators Using Multiplication How to Solve Equations & Inequalities with Fractions Without the Same Denominators Using Multiplication. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Solving equations and inequalities with fractions without the same denominator by using multiplication is something that you do to both sides of the equation. Solve equations and inequalities with fractions without the same denominator by using multiplication with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 161 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Trigonometric & Circular Function Word Problems How to Solve Trigonometric & Circular Function Word Problems. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Solving trigonometric and circular function word problems will require you to first identify the individual elements at play. Solve trigonometric and circular function word problems with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 175 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph in Vertex Form How to Graph in Vertex Form. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Graphing in vertex form usually involves variables like Y and A. Graph in vertex form with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 113 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Construct a Box Plot How to Construct a Box Plot. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Constructing a box plot is also referred to as a whiskers plot. Construct a box plot with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 120 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph Monomials How to Graph Monomials. Part of the series: You Do the Math. A monomial is a polynomial with one term. Graph monomials with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 110 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Balance Equations in Stoichiometry Problems How to Balance Equations in Stoichiometry Problems. Part of the series: You Do the Math. If you're taking chemistry and you want to add up reactants and products, you're going to have to make sure to balance them. Balance equations in stoichiometry problems with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 132 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write in Standard Form for Scientific Notation How to Write in Standard Form for Scientific Notation. Part of the series: You Do the Math. In scientific notation you are going to have a number which is 1 through 10. Write in standard form for scientific notation with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 128 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Equations With E How to Solve Equations With E. Part of the series: You Do the Math. E in math is an irrational number that means it cannot be written as a ratio of A over B. Solve equations with E with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 110 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Algebra Applications With Angles How to Do Algebra Applications With Angles. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Doing algebra applications with angles is something you will likely start doing in middle school. Do algebra applications with angles with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 157 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Rewrite a Literal Equation Backwards How to Rewrite a Literal Equation Backwards. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Rewriting a literal equation backwards will require you to pay close attention to all the variables. Rewrite a literal equation backwards with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 115 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Identify the Upper & Lower Extremes of Box & Whisker Plots How to Identify the Upper & Lower Extremes of Box & Whisker Plots. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Identifying the upper and lower extremes in a box and whiskers plot will require you to pay close attention to the median. Identify the upper and lower extremes in a box and whiskers plot with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 90 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Trigonometric Functions & Identities How to Do Trigonometric Functions & Identities. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Trigonometric functions and identities apply to a right triangle, so that's a triangle with a 90 degree angle. Do trigonometric functions and identities with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 150 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Equation Representing Situations How to Do Equation Representing Situations. Part of the series: You Do the Math. In math we write equations for everything for a number of different interesting and important reasons. Find out how to do equation representing situations with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 108 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Determine the Mean When Only Given the Box & Whisker Plots How to Determine the Mean When Only Given the Box & Whisker Plots. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Determining the mean when only given the box and whisker plot will require you to pay close attention to the number line. Determine the mean when only given the box and whisker plot with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 97 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Simplify Radical Expressions by Rationalizing the Denominators How to Simplify Radical Expressions by Rationalizing the Denominators. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Simplifying radical expressions by rationalizing the denominator is something that will make certain types of problems easier. Simplify radical expressions by rationalizing the denominator with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 103 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write Inverses of Equations How to Write Inverses of Equations. Part of the series: You Do the Math. Writing inverses of equations is something that you might do by swapping variables. Write inverses of equations with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 82 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Slope of Sides on a Shape How to Find the Slope of Sides on a Shape. Part of the series: You Do the Math. When we're looking for the slope, we generally have the shape on a graph. Find the slope of sides on a shape with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 97 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Graph a Piecewise Function with Three Inequalities How to Graph a Piecewise Function with Three Inequalities. Part of the series: You Do the Math. When we are graphing a piecewise function, we are going to have three different pieces in this graph and each piece is going to be bound by an inequality. Graph a piecewise function with three inequalities with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 151 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Change 1/16 to a Percent How to Change 1/16 to a Percent. Part of the series: Simple Math. Percents are always out of 100. Learn how to change 1/16 to a percent with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 45 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Big Numbers How to Divide Big Numbers. Part of the series: Simple Math. The first step to dividing big numbers is to put your numbers in long division form. Divide big numbers with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 64 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Add a Negative Number With a Positive Number How to Add a Negative Number With a Positive Number. Part of the series: Simple Math. Adding a negative number with a positive number will require you to do some light subtraction. Add a negative number with a positive number with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 53 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Average of a Group Using Positives & Negatives How to Find the Average of a Group Using Positives & Negatives. Part of the series: Simple Math. The first step to finding the average of a group is to find the sum of the group so when you add the positive and negative numbers together, it gives you a total. Find the average of a group using positive and negative numbers with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 58 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Use Cross Products How to Use Cross Products. Part of the series: Simple Math. Cross products have two products on either side of an equal sign. Use cross products with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 50 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Rounding With Whole Numbers How to Do Rounding With Whole Numbers. Part of the series: Simple Math. Doing rounding with whole numbers is something that you will quickly be able to do from memory. Do rounding with whole numbers with help from a learning specialist with a master's degree in general and special education in this free video clip. 44 2017-03-31 1.0 Creative Math Projects Creative Math Projects. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Creative math projects can introduce great concepts to students in just the right way. Find out about creative math projects with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 81 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Exploration Activities Math Exploration Activities. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Math exploration activities are great for working on with your children at home. Find out about math exploration activities with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 58 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Study Math at Home How to Study Math at Home. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Studying math at home is something that you should do by quizzing yourself, for example. Study math at home with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 46 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Games With Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Math Games With Parallel & Perpendicular Lines. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Math games with parallel and perpendicular lines can include letters and other elements. Find out about math games with parallel and perpendicular lines with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 39 2017-03-31 1.0 Christmas Math Graphing Activity Christmas Math Graphing Activity. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Christmas math graphing activities can involve your children taking a survey, among other techniques. Find out about Christmas math graphing activities with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 54 2017-03-31 1.0 100th Day Math Activities 100th Day Math Activities. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. 100th day math activities can include the 100 chains project, among others. Find out about 100th day math activities with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 How Sequencing & Patterns Help With Math Skills How Sequencing & Patterns Help With Math Skills. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Sequencing and patterns with math skills can involve color patterns and other great elements. Find out about how sequencing and patterns help with math skills with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 78 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Projects on Fruits Math Projects on Fruits. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Math projects on fruits can include your children creating a bar graph. Find out about math projects on fruits with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 74 2017-03-31 1.0 Wedding Cake Math Problems Wedding Cake Math Problems. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Wedding cake math problems can involve looking at equivalent numbers and percents, decimals and fractions. Find out about wedding cake math problems with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 64 2017-03-31 1.0 Math Flash Card Activities Math Flash Card Activities. Part of the series: Math Activities & Projects. Math flash card activities can assist with a variety of different techniques, including addition and subtraction. Find out about math flash card activities with help from an experienced mathematics professional in this free video clip. 52 2017-03-31 1.0 Meteor Strike Effect on Plate Tectonics Meteor Strike Effect on Plate Tectonics. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Plate tectonics is the theory the describes the movement and placement of continents and ocean basins across earth's surface over time. Find out about meteor strike effects on plate tectonics with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 85 2017-03-31 1.0 Explanation of the Tides & Moon Explanation of the Tides & Moon. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. To understand tides you need to understand a little bit about gravity. Get an explanation of the tides and the moon with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 129 2017-03-31 1.0 What Kind of Tides Occur When the Moon & Sun Are at Right Angles? What Kind of Tides Occur When the Moon & Sun Are at Right Angles?. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Gravity is an attractive force that is caused by mass. Find out what kind of tides occur when the moon and the sun are 90 degrees away from the Earth with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 104 2017-03-31 1.0 When Did Life Occur on Our Planet? When Did Life Occur on Our Planet?. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Geologists measure time in two different ways. Find out about when life occurred on our planet with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 113 2017-03-31 1.0 Do Plate Tectonics Help Make Life on Earth Possible? Do Plate Tectonics Help Make Life on Earth Possible?. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Plate tectonics is the process by which the continents and the ocean basins move across the surface of the earth. Find out if plate tectonics help make life on earth with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 84 2017-03-31 1.0 What Year Did the Dinosaurs Get Hit With a Meteor? What Year Did the Dinosaurs Get Hit With a Meteor?. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. The lower or the deeper an event is in the Earth's structure, the older it is. Find out what year the dinosaurs got hit with a meteorite with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 103 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the First Quarter of the Moon's Cycle? What Is the First Quarter of the Moon's Cycle?. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. The moon lunar phases is actually caused by the placement of the moon relative, relative to the earth and sun. Find out about the first quarter of the moon's cycle with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 81 2017-03-31 1.0 Dendrochronology Science Projects Dendrochronology Science Projects. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Dendrochronology is the study of time as recorded in tree roots or in plant growth. Find out about dendrochronology science projects with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 105 2017-03-31 1.0 Science Projects on Oceanology Science Projects on Oceanology. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. Oceanology is really the practical use of another science oceanography, and oceanography studies the world's oceans. Find out about science projects on oceanology with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 109 2017-03-31 1.0 Earth Science Activities Using a Sling Psychrometer Earth Science Activities Using a Sling Psychrometer. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. A sling psychrometer is a tool used to measure relative humidity. Find out about an earth science activity using a sling with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 113 2017-03-31 1.0 Science Projects About Earth's Changes Science Projects About Earth's Changes. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. When designing Earth science experiments to look at changes in the Earth you need to keep in mind the scale or the time frame in which those changes occur. Find out about science projects on Earth's changes with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 96 2017-03-31 1.0 The Importance of the Stratosphere & Life on Earth The Importance of the Stratosphere & Life on Earth. Part of the series: Earth Sciences. The stratosphere is part of our atmosphere and we are used to the atmosphere at ground level. Find out about the importance of the stratosphere and life on Earth with help from an Associate Professor of Geology at Suffolk County Community College in this free video clip. 103 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Surface Area of a Pentagon How to Find the Surface Area of a Pentagon. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. To find the surface area or area of a pentagon, the formula is five over two times s times a. Find the surface area of a pentagon with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Simplify Improper Fractions How to Simplify Improper Fractions. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator, what is above the line, is bigger than the denominator. Simplify improper fractions with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 64 2017-03-31 1.0 Second Grade Math Ideas on Space Second Grade Math Ideas on Space. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. For a second grader, they're usually starting to handle more complicated addition and subtraction. Learn about second grade math ideas on space with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 68 2017-03-31 1.0 Teaching Students About Using Fractions With Cooking Teaching Students About Using Fractions With Cooking. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Cooking is a great way to learn about fractions because most measuring cups have all the fractions between one cup, two cups, three cups and more. teach students about using fractions with cooking with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 69 2017-03-31 1.0 Methods Math Teachers Use to Reinforce Really Big Numbers to Students Methods Math Teachers Use to Reinforce Really Big Numbers to Students. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Methods math teachers use to reinforce really big numbers to students include the use of the chalk board. Find out about methods that math teachers use to reinforce really big numbers to students with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 119 2017-03-31 1.0 Fun Math Activities to Learn the Number Four Fun Math Activities to Learn the Number Four. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Fun math activities to learn the number four include some with treats. Find out about fun math activities to learn the number four with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 49 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is Partial Correlation in Statistics? What Is Partial Correlation in Statistics?. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Partial correlation is a method of isolating two variables to examine their relationship. Find out about partial correlation in statistics with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 57 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Use Approximation to Find the Greatest Fraction How to Use Approximation to Find the Greatest Fraction. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Using approximation to find the greatest fraction is something that will require you to figure out which is the bigger approximation. Use approximation to find the greatest fraction with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 62 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Into 9ths How to Divide Into 9ths. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Dividing into 9ths will require careful use of the number eight. Find out how to divide into 9ths with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 51 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide for Beginners How to Divide for Beginners. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Division isn't really as difficult as a lot of people make it out to be. Divide for beginners with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 98 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Make Multiplication Easier How to Make Multiplication Easier. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Making multiplication easier will require you to practice smart techniques in the right way. Make multiplication easier with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Round to the Nearest Inch How to Round to the Nearest Inch. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Rounding to the nearest inch will require you to work with the same rules as when you're working with an integer. Round to the nearest inch with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 46 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide Simple Fractions How to Divide Simple Fractions. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Dividing simple fractions will use the rules of flipping and multiplying. Divide simple fractions with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 50 2017-03-31 1.0 Tutorial on How to Do the Order of Operations Tutorial on How to Do the Order of Operations. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Doing the order of operations is something you'll need to complete for a wide variety of different types of math problems. Get a tutorial on how to do the order of operations with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 101 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Mean in Simple Random Sampling How to Find the Mean in Simple Random Sampling. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Finding the mean in simple random sampling will require you to know what your sample size is. Find the mean in simple random sampling with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 53 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find Out if a Fraction Is Equivalent or Not Equivalent How to Find Out if a Fraction Is Equivalent or Not Equivalent. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Finding out if a fraction is equivalent will require you to simplify before you begin. Find out if a fraction is equivalent or not equivalent with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 74 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Construct a Parallelogram How to Construct a Parallelogram. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Constructing a parallelogram will require you to know the rules of what makes a parallelogram in the first place. Construct a parallelogram with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 77 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Subtract Mixed Numbers With Different Denominators How to Subtract Mixed Numbers With Different Denominators. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators will require you to turn them into improper fractions. Subtract mixed numbers with different parallelograms with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 100 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Addition & Subtraction for Mixed Fractions How to Solve Addition & Subtraction for Mixed Fractions. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Solving addition and subtraction for mixed fractions will require you to work with improper fractions. Solve addition and subtraction for mixed fractions with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 92 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Improper Fractions How to Solve Improper Fractions. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Solving improper fractions will require you to pay close attention to the denominator. Solve improper fractions with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 63 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Use Logs & Powers How to Use Logs & Powers. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Using logs and powers is a process that will require you to start with exponents. Use logs and powers with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 Defining Variable & Constraints in Math Word Problems Defining Variable & Constraints in Math Word Problems. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Defining variable and constraints in math word problems will require you to limit the value to what you know. Define variable and constraints in math word problems with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 71 2017-03-31 1.0 Similarities Between Line Graphs With Equations & Inequalities Similarities Between Line Graphs With Equations & Inequalities. Part of the series: Fractions, Percents & Other Calculations. Line graphs with equations and inequalities are actually very similar in a lot of different and important ways. Find out about similarities between line graphs with equations and inequalities with help from a high school math tutor in this free video clip. 64 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Equation for the Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride? What Is the Equation for the Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride?. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. The equation for the decomposition of aluminum chloride will actually look at three different substances. Find out about the equation for the decomposition of aluminum chloride with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 71 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Write Equations in a Slope-Intercept Parametric Equation How to Write Equations in a Slope-Intercept Parametric Equation. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Writing equations in a slope-intercept parametric equation will make them much easier to graph. Write equations in a slope-intercept parametric equation with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 130 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Solve Quadratics & Conics Problems How to Solve Quadratics & Conics Problems. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Solving quadratics and conics problems is easier if you break the process down into smaller steps. Solve quadratics and conics problems with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 149 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Volume by Displacement How to Do Volume by Displacement. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Doing volume by displacement is something that that you do by first measuring the solid. Do volume by displacement with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 95 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Rotations of Shapes How to Do Rotations of Shapes. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Doing rotations of shapes is something that you can do with a shape like a triangle. Do rotations of shapes with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 80 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Multiply a Fraction by a Mixed Number Using the Area Model How to Multiply a Fraction by a Mixed Number Using the Area Model. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Multiplying a fraction by a mixed number using the area model is something that you do by converting it into a fraction. Multiply a fraction by a mixed number using the area model with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 106 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Do Negative & Positive Integers How to Do Negative & Positive Integers. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Doing negative and positive integers always requires you to keep a few key things in mind. Find out how to do negative and positive integers with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 116 2017-03-31 1.0 Factoring Using the Discriminant Factoring Using the Discriminant. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Factoring using the discriminant is something that you do with the quadratic equation format. Find out about factoring using the discriminant with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 136 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Range Without Graphing How to Find the Range Without Graphing. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Finding the range without graphing requires you to look at the problem algebraically. Find the range without graphing with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 79 2017-03-31 1.0 What Do You Do to an Equation if You Want Your Graph to Shift Up? What Do You Do to an Equation if You Want Your Graph to Shift Up?. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. If you want your graph to shift up, you have to modify the associated equation in a very specific way. Find out what you do to an equation if you want your graph to shift up with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 91 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Find the Mode if More Than One Number Appears Twice How to Find the Mode if More Than One Number Appears Twice. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Finding the mode if there is more than one number that occurs twice is something that you do with a very specific formula. Find the mode if more than one number occurs twice with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 76 2017-03-31 1.0 Fractions as a Percent Fractions as a Percent. Part of the series: SYN - Math & Science Questions. Fractions as a percent will involve some division. Find out about fractions as a percent with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. 75 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are Basic Things a Chemistry Lab Student Should Know? What Are Basic Things a Chemistry Lab Student Should Know?. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. The basic things ta chemistry lab student should know include lab safety, among others. Find out about the basic things a chemistry lab student should know with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 238 2017-03-31 1.0 Anatomy of an Atom Anatomy of an Atom. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. The anatomy of an atom involves three different particles and other characteristics. Find out about the anatomy of an atom with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 161 2017-03-31 1.0 How Are Electrons Kept in Motion Around the Nucleus? How Are Electrons Kept in Motion Around the Nucleus?. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. Electrons are kept in motion around the nucleus due to their charge, among other characteristics. Find out how electrons are kept in motion around the nucleus with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 252 2017-03-31 1.0 What Element Will Result if a Proton Is Added to the Nucleus of Carbon? What Element Will Result if a Proton Is Added to the Nucleus of Carbon?. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. If a proton is added to the nucleus of a carbon, a very specific element will result. Find out what element will result if a proton is added to a carbon with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 143 2017-03-31 1.0 In Chemistry What Is the Mass Number for Iron? In Chemistry What Is the Mass Number for Iron?. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. The mass number for iron ore in chemistry can be found by looking at very specific characteristics. Find out what the mass number for iron is in chemistry with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 220 2017-03-31 1.0 Chemistry Concepts & Problems Chemistry Concepts & Problems. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. Chemistry concepts and problems are all around us in the world, day in and day out. Find out about chemistry concepts and problems with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 242 2017-03-31 1.0 Graphing Activities for Chemistry Graphing Activities for Chemistry. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. Graphing activities for chemistry can help you understand advanced concepts in a visual way. Learn about graphing activities for chemistry with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 204 2017-03-31 1.0 An Introduction to Enzyme & Coenzyme Chemistry An Introduction to Enzyme & Coenzyme Chemistry. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. The enzyme's main role is to lower the activation energy. Get an introduction to enzyme and coenzyme activity with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 247 2017-03-31 1.0 An Explanation of Why the Radius of an Atom Cannot Be Measured An Explanation of Why the Radius of an Atom Cannot Be Measured. Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. The radius of an atom cannot be measured for a number of really important reasons. Get an explanation of why the radius of an atom cannot be measured with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 241 2017-03-31 1.0 Information on the Chemistry Term, "Buffer" Information on the Chemistry Term, "Buffer". Part of the series: SYN - Basic Chemistry. A buffer in chemistry has the same general use as a buffer in real life or everyday language. Get information on the chemistry term, "buffer," with help from an experienced chemistry professional in this free video clip. 300 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Longest Repeating Decimal? What Is the Longest Repeating Decimal?. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. The longest repeating decimal doesn't actually exist in the most literal terms. Find out about the longest repeating decimal with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 72 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Read a Scatter Plot Output How to Read a Scatter Plot Output. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. Reading a scatter plot output is something that requires you to pay close attention to the X and Y variables. Read a scatter plot output with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 78 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does a Scatter Plot Line of Best Fit Mean? What Does a Scatter Plot Line of Best Fit Mean?. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. A scatter plot line of best fit means that you are trying to find a trend in your data. Find out what a scatter plot line of best fit means with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 72 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Go From Celsius to Fahrenheit How to Go From Celsius to Fahrenheit. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. Going from Celsius to Fahrenheit is a process known as conversion. Go from Celsius to Fahrenheit with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 57 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is a Characteristic of a Line? What Is a Characteristic of a Line?. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. A characteristic of a line is the distinct geometry that it takes. Find out about a characteristic of a line with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 80 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Divide in Your Head Quickly How to Divide in Your Head Quickly. Part of the series: SYN - Understanding Math. Dividing in your head quickly only requires that you remember a few key rules. Divide in your head quickly with help from a math expert in this free video clip. 55 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Function of a Dipeptide? What Is the Function of a Dipeptide?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. A dipeptide is just two amino acids joined together by a peptide bond. Find out about the function of a dipeptide with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 149 2017-03-31 1.0 How Are Chemistry & Biology Intertwined? How Are Chemistry & Biology Intertwined?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. Chemistry and biology are intertwined to the point where they are essentially inseparable. Find out about how chemistry and biology are intertwined with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 200 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Integrate Biology With Chemistry & Physics How to Integrate Biology With Chemistry & Physics. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. Integrating biology with chemistry and physics is something that is done in the real world on a daily basis. Integrate biology with chemistry and physics with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 239 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Dependent Variable of an Enzyme? What Is the Dependent Variable of an Enzyme?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. An independent variable equals the one that you manipulate and you are in control of. Find out about the dependent variable of an enzyme with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 234 2017-03-31 1.0 Why Is Galactose Classified as a Simple Sugar? Why Is Galactose Classified as a Simple Sugar?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. Galactose can have a variety of different cyclic structures depending on the situation. Find out why galactose is classified as a simple sugar with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 119 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is C-Band? What Is C-Band?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. The C-band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and it ranges from 4 gigahertz to 8 gigahertz. Find out more about the C-band with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 159 2017-03-31 1.0 What Does "HCI" Stand for in Science? What Does "HCI" Stand for in Science?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. HCl is a chemical formula that is derived from two main elements. Find out what HCI stands for in science with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 146 2017-03-31 1.0 Who Was the Person to Discover Carbon? Who Was the Person to Discover Carbon?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. The person to discover carbon isn't necessarily someone we know the name of. Find out about the person who discovered carbon with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 175 2017-03-31 1.0 What Chemicals Affect the Color of the Sky? What Chemicals Affect the Color of the Sky?. Part of the series: SYN - Biology & Chemistry. Chemicals that affect the color of the sky are really common and are found throughout nature. Find out what chemicals affect the color of the sky with help from an experienced biology and chemistry professional in this free video clip. 204 2017-03-31 1.0 Equation for Manipulating Density Equation for Manipulating Density. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. If we want to calculate the density in three dimensions, we have the Greek letter rho, which will stand for the density. Find out about an equation for manipulating density with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 110 2017-03-31 1.0 What Two Factors Determine the Atomic Radius of an Element? What Two Factors Determine the Atomic Radius of an Element?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. There are several factors that determine the atomic size for any given element. Find out about the two factors that determine the atomic radius of an element with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 133 2017-03-31 1.0 Breaking Down Forces Into Components Breaking Down Forces Into Components. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. A force is a vector, which means that it can be broken up into a set of orthogonal components. Learn about breaking down forces into components with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 283 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are Boson & Hadron Particles? What Are Boson & Hadron Particles?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Bosons are a type of particle that we find in nature that obey a certain type of statistics. Find out about boson and hadron particles with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 220 2017-03-31 1.0 How to Read Atomic Mass How to Read Atomic Mass. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Atomic mass is denoted by the symbol u, which stands for unified atomic mass unit. Read atomic mass with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 128 2017-03-31 1.0 How Do Bombs Do Damage? How Do Bombs Do Damage?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. There are three primary ways in which a bomb that detonates does damage.Find out about how bombs do damage with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 155 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is "Gram-Equivalent"? What Is "Gram-Equivalent"?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Gram-equivalent is a notion that is used in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. Learn more about gram-equivalent with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 129 2017-03-31 1.0 Describe the Concepts of Relative & Absolute Time Describe the Concepts of Relative & Absolute Time. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Absolute time is the notion of how time flows in the universe before the advent of the formulation of special relativity. Get a description of the concepts of relative and absolute time with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 250 2017-03-31 1.0 What Type of Force Exists Between the North & South Magnetic Poles? What Type of Force Exists Between the North & South Magnetic Poles?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. The south magnetic pole is located at the north geodetic or geographic pole. Find out what type of force exists between the north and south poles with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 206 2017-03-31 1.0 Are the Forces on an Object Balanced When the Net Force Is Zero? Are the Forces on an Object Balanced When the Net Force Is Zero?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Newton's second law describes the resultant effect of having several external forces acting on an object. Find out if the forces on an object are balanced when the net force is zero with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 166 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is Thrust? What Is Thrust?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Thrust is a type of reaction force due to the acceleration of matter in a separate direction. Find out more about thrust with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 152 2017-03-31 1.0 Explain What It Means When We Say a Substance Is Magnetic Explain What It Means When We Say a Substance Is Magnetic. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. If we have a substance and we call it magnetic, this can describe one of two things. Find out about what it means when we say a substance is magnetic with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 245 2017-03-31 1.0 How Are the Velocity & the Centripetal Force Vectors Arranged in Circular Motion? How Are the Velocity & the Centripetal Force Vectors Arranged in Circular Motion?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Velocity and centripetal force vectors are arranged in circular motion in a very specific way. Find out about how velocity and centripetal force vectors are arranged in circular motion with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 163 2017-03-31 1.0 Which One of Copernicus' Theories Was Incorrect? Which One of Copernicus' Theories Was Incorrect?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. Copernicus is most famously known for his heliocentric view of the universe. Find out which of Copernicus' theories was incorrect with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 172 2017-03-31 1.0 What Are Light-Absorbing Substances Called? What Are Light-Absorbing Substances Called?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. It turns out light-absorbing substances are referred to as pigments. Find out more about what light-absorbing substances are called with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 105 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Difference Between First, Second & Third Class Levers? What Is the Difference Between First, Second & Third Class Levers?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. The difference between first, second and third class levers lies in the relative positioning of three items. Find out about the difference between first, second and third class levers with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 221 2017-03-31 1.0 What Is the Spectrochemical Series? What Is the Spectrochemical Series?. Part of the series: SYN - Physics Education. chemistry and in crystal theory, the spectrochemical series is actually a set of two lists that describes ligands, which are molecules or ions that bind to essential metal atoms. Find out about the spectrochemical series with help from an experienced physics professional in this free video clip. 215 2021-11-05 1.0 Negative Effects of Technology 60 2021-11-05 1.0 Chinese Symbols for Homework 60 2021-11-05 1.0 What Is the Americans With Disabilities Act? 60 2021-11-05 1.0 What Is Purgatory? 60 2021-11-05 1.0 The Truth Behind Common Misconceptions 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Write a Proposal 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Make an Outline 60 2021-11-05 1.0 Teaching Responsibility 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Write a Paragraph 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Write a Request for a Donation Letter 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Write, Print & Publish Your Own Book 60 2021-11-05 1.0 How to Teach Kindergartners Sight Words 60