Finding out if someone graduated from a particular college or university is not challenging provided that you have the necessary information to perform a credential check. It's important to gather as much information as you can before contacting the school directly to save time and get the information you require. All institutions of higher learning have records of their graduates that are accessible to potential employers or agents for the government.

Get the full name, birth date and graduation date of the person you want to verify. Ask for the maiden name or other names the person may have registered under. Ask for the degree awarded. When possible, get a signed release of information if you haven't done so on the employment application.

Contact the Office of the Registrar at the school. The registrar will have the date of graduation on file. If you don't want to contact the university directly, you can research the information through a paid service online, such as the National Student Clearinghouse (see Resources), or fax the information to the school. Provide the name, birth date and date of graduation, along with current address. If you have a Social Security number or student identification number, give that information to the registrar's office.

Ask the person for a copy of the degree, certified transcripts and accreditation of the university. A legitimate degree-holder will have these credentials or will be able to get these credentials in a short amount of time.


Try to call the Office of the Registrar in the middle of the week or in the middle of the school semester to avoid long waits.

If the person you're researching has a common name, get both birth date, address and degree awarded to avoid confusion.

If the degree was awarded a long time ago, expect it to take more time for the Registrar to find the information.


Don't pretend to be the person you're researching. Identity theft is a crime.

You cannot require Social Security information until a hiring decision is made.

If the school no longer exists or appears to have never existed, be cautious about accepting the degree.

If the person refuses to provide certified transcripts or the accreditation of the university, it's a clear indication that the person may not have a degree.

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