A high school diploma symbolizes achievement and also serves as an anchor to your teenage years. Outside of your own personal interest, the physical diploma is rarely required. Neither employer or schools will ask to see your diploma, but having it in your possession is still important. If you've misplaced a diploma earned from graduating from a Florida high school, you can contact either the school or the department of education about obtaining a copy.

Step 1

Contact the registrar at the high school in Florida that you graduated from to request a copy of your diploma. If you want a copy of a GED diploma, contact the Florida Department of Education at 1-877-352-4331.

Step 2

Complete a request for a copy of the diploma. Some schools will accept a phone, written or email request, others require that you complete an actual request form. The form might be sent by mail, or it may be available online. Enter your full name, school name, graduation year, date of birth and Social Security number into the form.

Step 3

Submit the request, payment and any supplemental materials. Often, you must fax or send a copy of your state-issued identification card. If your name has changed, submit proof of your legal name change with the request. Some districts may require that you submit your official high school transcript. In addition, attach a check or money order in the specified amount to pay for the copy of the diploma. The actual fee will vary per Florida school district. The Florida Department of Education charges $6 as of 2011. The department of education also requires that you submit a self-addressed stamped 10-by-13 inch envelope. It may take several weeks to receive the diploma after the request is processed.

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