How to Make a Good Thesis Title
25 JUN 2018

First impressions are crucial; in a thesis, your title is that chance to make a great first impression. A thesis title contains the first words and ideas a reader encounters upon picking up your paper. It should provide a concise view of the topic your paper addresses as well as give a sense of your approach to the issue. Titles need to be crafted carefully and might change many times over the course of writing a thesis paper as the focus of your writing shifts and you tease out different nuances of the subject. Give yourself a chance to make a positive first impression with your thesis title by making it a descriptive representative of your overall work.
1 Outlining
Do not attempt to write a thesis title before you have at least a rough outline of what the body of your paper is about. A thesis that is not targeted to the information in your work leaves the reader confused as to what your paper is about. In addition, do not simply write a dry description of your essay and assume it will work as a title. Titles should be informative, but can include a bit of humor or levity, which depending on the subject can help increase the paper's appeal.
2 Drafting
In drafting your thesis, compose multiple possible titles that reflect your work, without being bland or boring before choosing the one that works the best with the balance of your paper. Thesis titles should generally be as carefully worded as the arguments and research contained in your paper.
3 Formatting
Follow the exact format required for your work or assignment. The most basic format for a thesis title includes a shorter main title that generally describes the work and a longer subtitle that explains the finer details of your research; these are often separated by a colon. If the guidelines for your thesis call for the title to be organized differently, follow them as closely as possible.
4 Surveying
Conduct a survey using your possible titles to determine which one is the best. Present your classmates and teachers with a short list of your three favorite titles and ask them which appeals to them most. Once you have a clear choice, go back through your paper to make sure that your title is consistent with the tone and point of view of your thesis. Look through professional journals and college essays to see which titles grab your attention while still giving you a good idea of what to expect in the paper.