Interesting Topics in Chemistry

Students conduct experiments when researching topics in chemistry.
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When taking a chemistry class in high school or college, you will be called upon to research topics, conduct experiments and report your findings to your instructor. There are many interesting topics you can choose from in the chemistry field to research and report on. You will want to pick a topic that interests you, is of relevance today and of which you would like to learn more about in your chemistry class.


How alcohol is digested in the body, how it affects our internal organs and what is the process of alcohol metabolism are all questions for the chemistry student. The answers lie in conducting experiments using ethyl alcohol which is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. Answering these questions can give the student an interesting topic that is timely and relevant to today's society.

Nuclear Chemistry

If you are interested in nuclear energy and its effects and uses in the world today you may want to research its origins in weapons use, power production and the effects of nuclear radiation.

Drugs and Medicine

Researching the various drugs on the marketplace and how they are used is an interesting topic for the chemistry student. You may conduct research on the chemical makeup of a specific drug or examine the interaction between two commonly prescribed drugs.

Fuel for Automobiles

The question of how petroleum was incorporated into fuel used for automobiles may make an interesting research project. Chemical analysis of the various kinds of fuel now in use might also make an interesting subject for research.

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