College newsletters differ from newspapers in a few significant ways. For starters, newspapers are more focused on news and recent happenings around campus, while newsletters are more focused on informing alumni, students, faculty and parents on academic developments and successes. Although the nature of the content is different, you can still have some similar sections that work to inform your readers in more interesting and intriguing ways.

Student Opinion Polls

Take a poll of student opinion regarding a recent development. Collect statistics through surveys and gather some quotes from students. Interview students about new services offered to them or new campus guidelines. For example, if your college implements a new smoking restriction policy, ask them how they feel about it. If you receive negative feedback, accompany the poll and opinion results with information on reactions by the school's administrators or faculty.

Regular Columns

Have a regular column or two in the newsletter where a student or faculty member expresses his thoughts or feelings on a certain topic highlighted in the newsletter. The writing should be in a conversational tone to engage the readers and make them feel at home with his writing.

Online Versions

Place stories or PDF copies of your newsletter online. This way, you can post the link all over the Internet to make sure as many people see and read the newsletter as possible. It also serves as a clutter-free archive of past stories for the benefit of students, faculty and the newsletter writers.

Calendar of Events

Keep a regular calendar of events in each newsletter you publish. Take submissions from on-campus organizations to keep the student body and alumni aware of ways they can stay connected with the campus. Include time, location, date and where to go for more information.

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