The Difference in Salvation Between Catholics & Baptists

Catholics and Baptists represent two very distinct streams of Christianity. While they agree on certain essential beliefs, such as the divinity of Christ and the resurrection, they differ greatly on other areas such as salvation. While both believe human beings are sinful and need to be saved from sin and its consequences, the two groups have radically different understandings of how that happens.
1 Method
Baptists and Catholics believe that God is the ultimate source of salvation. They also believe that Jesus died on the cross in order to provide humanity with access to that salvation. For all that they share in this area, however, Catholics and Baptists do differ somewhat. For example, Baptists believe that Jesus' death came about because sin must be punished. Jesus' death satisfied God's wrath so that Christians don't have to experience that wrath. Catholics instead teach that Jesus' death was the ultimate act of self-sacrifice and love, and that it was sin itself that caused Jesus' suffering. For Baptists, God punished Jesus instead of Christians; for Catholics, Jesus offered a sacrifice of love that was pleasing to God by bearing the consequences of humanity's sins.
2 Faith and Works
Faith is an integral part of salvation for both Baptists and Catholics, but each group's understanding of faith is different. Baptists believe that individuals must ask Jesus to forgive their sins and then trust Jesus will do just that in order to be saved. Catholics believe that faith encompasses not only this trust, but an intellectual assent to the basic doctrines of the Catholic faith. Further, Catholics believe that the good works that follow conversion play a role in saving the believer from sin and hell, too. Baptists, on the other hand, believe that works are irrelevant to salvation.
3 Salvation as Process or Instantaneous
For Catholic Christians, salvation is a process. It begins at conversion and continues on through the life of the believer. It culminates in final salvation, when the believer is raised from the dead and enters heaven. Baptists believe salvation occurs in an instant and that once this takes place, the believer is saved for all eternity. At the moment of conversion, final salvation is assured.
4 The Church
The institutional church plays only a marginal role in salvation for Baptists. While someone might be saved in a Baptist church, the church is only the particular opportunity for salvation. Sacraments, provided by the church, are merely symbols of what's happened for the believer. For Catholics, the church is God's chosen instrument for salvation. Catholics believe that the church is the primary means by which salvation occurs, and that salvation does not occur outside the ministry of the church. Catholics believe the sacraments are necessary for salvation.