Difference Between Mormons & Seventh-day Adventists
27 JUN 2018

The Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and Seventh-day Adventist religions are both Christian religions. The core belief in both churches is that of a redeeming son, sent by God, to pay for the sins of humanity and that faith in this belief will lead to eternal salvation of the soul. There are basic differences between the religions, as there are with other Christian denominations.
1 Foundation
Both religions were founded in the United States with roots around the same time period of the 1840's. The Mormons were founded by Joseph Smith and fully incorporated as a religion under the leadership of Brigham Young in 1844. The Seventh-day Adventist church grew from the Millerite movement and was officially established in 1863. One of its most notable founders was Ellen G. White.
2 Scripture
Both religions follow the teachings of the Bible as their primary scriptural texts. Mormons also rely on the Book of Mormon as a guide to salvation. The Book of Mormon was dictated by Joseph Smith and claimed by him to be divinely inspired. Seventh-day Adventists highly regard the writings of Ellen White but do not consider them divine word, relying on the Bible as the final authority.
3 Worship
Mormons hold the primary worship services on Sundays, as do most other Christian religions. Seventh-day Adventists adhere to the belief that the sabbath day of the Judaic religion is correct and hold service on Saturdays. Communion services for the SDA church generally occur four times per year. Mormons partake of communion at regular services (often referred to as sacrament).
4 General Beliefs
Several general beliefs that differentiate these two religions. Mormons believe that God regularly serves his people through prophets and has restored the "true religion" through these prophets, which include Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and, often, individual church leaders. The SDA believes in the ancient prophets and God's revelations and teachings through the Bible, with a much more limited view of modern day prophets, though Ellen White is consider a prophet. Still, the SDA adheres to the opinion that prophetic teachings are true only in that they can be held as such against the teachings of the Bible. Mormons believe each man is judged by his own sins and not those of his ancestors. The Seventh-day Adventists believe in the idea of original sin and the inherent sinful nature of human beings as a result of original sin.