What Did the Federalists Believe Threatened the Nation in the Election of 1800?

The U.S. presidential election of 1800 pitted Federalist John Adams against Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson. Federalists were primarily supported by businessmen who believed that a strong central government provided security for the newly developing nation. They feared that putting the power in the hands of states might lead to revolts against the federal government and eventually weaken the economy. Federalists encouraged strong economic ties with Great Britain, supported the idea of a national bank and stood behind the government's ability to impose taxes when needed, as implied by the powers outlined in the Constitution.
1 Disunity and Disorganization
Federalists worried that a weak central government would force unprepared, politically ill-equipped and less financially sustainable state governments to misuse their power and authority. They feared that a powerless central government wouldn't be able to maintain a unified nation. Reckless political parties and disorganized state leadership would result in chaos. Federalists wanted a single, unified form of government that could stand its ground against internal and external conflicts. They believed that Jefferson's anti-federalist values would jeopardize the country's economic and political stability.
2 Constitutional Changes
John Adams' supporters believed that Jefferson's anti-federalist goals to make amendments to the existing U.S. Constitution might empower individuals to abandon their need for a strong, centralized form of government. Federalists didn't want citizens to support a laissez faire system that reduced or eliminated the Federalists' ability to issue tariffs or regulate commerce when necessary. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans eventually agreed on a Bill of Rights that supported individual rights, without eliminating the need for a federal government.
3 Civil Unrest
One of the biggest threats that Federalists believed would threaten the security and stability of the U.S. was civil unrest. Some anti-federalists were sympathetic to the insurgents who had just fought in the French Revolution and had successfully overthrown the existing autocratic ruler, putting an end to France's authoritarian form of government. Federalists feared that Jefferson supporters might revolt against a centralized government in the U.S., even though it wasn't ruled by a dictator. They didn't want the election of 1800 to lead to civil war and bloodshed.
4 Ungodly Leadership
Some Federalists feared that Jefferson has strayed from the godly, religious roots that the nation was founded on. Jefferson supported religious freedom and encouraged the separation of church and state. This caused some Federalists to question Jefferson's belief in God, even claiming that he was an atheist. Even though Jefferson attended church services and publicly professed his faith, some Federalists believed that his strong advocacy of church-state separation signified his allegiance to state rights over religion.