Can You Make a Facebook Account for a Pet?

Facebook prohibits creating a profile for anyone but yourself, but you can set up a Facebook page for a business, pet, imaginary person or any entity that doesn't share your real name and personal information. A page is different from a profile in that a page is meant to build an audience while a profile is meant for socializing. Many people look to social media platforms to promote their businesses in business pages, but a new trend in creating social media pages for pets is on the rise with more and more pet profiles appearing online and in personal pages.

Profile pictures and cover photos on these social media accounts often feature the pet at its cutest stage, and these pages are normally made for dogs (doggies), cats or other animals. While this page can be used as a fan base of family members or other Facebook users and friends, they can also use Facebook ads for promotions of their pet content including contact information for the pet’s owner as well as Instagram accounts linked in the profile for more coverage. Many users use pages for their new dog or new pet, including a cute profile pic for their subscribers and followers.

Create a Facebook Page

Visit Facebook's Create a Page section to set up a page for your pet (link in Resources). Choose “Artist, Band or Public Figure,” click “Choose a Category” and select “Pet” from the menu. Enter your pet's name in the text box and click “Get Started.” The next few setup pages prompt you for account information, such as a description, photos and external site URL. If you want to advertise your page on Facebook, enter payment information when prompted.

Convert a Profile Into a Page

If you already have a Facebook profile for your pet, Facebook will consider it misclassified and has the right to delete it. Facebook recommends converting it into a page to keep the information, photos and username together without setting up a new account. To convert the profile, sign in to the account, then visit the section titled “How Do I Convert My Personal Account to a Facebook Page?” (link in Resources). Click “Start Converting” and choose a category. The account information is automatically transferred. This will probably be the easiest way to create a page for your pet in the social network.

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