Body of Water in the Underworld in Greek Mythology

Hades is the underworld in Greek mythology.
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In Greek mythology, the world was divided into three parts. Zeus ruled the heavens and Poseidon commanded the seas. The dark underworld was given to their brother, Hades. Souls arriving there found more than one body of water -- one to navigate and another to drink from.

1 The Greek Underworld

The underworld was called Hades after the god who ruled it. It was a dark place where all souls, or shades, went after they died. The evil were condemned for eternity to the pit of Tartarus. Great heroes went to the Islands of the Blessed, and the virtuous to the Elysian Fields. The gates to Hades remained firmly closed at all times so that no shades could escape back into the world.

2 Arriving and Forgetting

Souls arriving in Hades had to cross the River Styx, also known as Acheron. The ferryman, Charon, charged a coin for the journey. Once the souls arrived on the opposite shore, they encountered another river called Lethe. It was also known as the river of forgetfulness because when souls drank from it they forgot their former lives.

Karen Clark has been writing professionally since 2001. Her work includes articles on gardening, education and literature. Clark has also published short literary fiction in the "Southern Humanities Review" and has co-authored a novel. Her professional experience includes teaching and tutoring students of all ages in literature, history and writing. She holds a Bachelor of the Arts in political science and a Master of Fine Arts in writing.
