If you're considering a career in dental hygiene, you probably have a few questions about how you can become certified to work alongside dentists in clinics, private practice and specialist offices. If you are hoping to work in Alberta you might also want to know how to find the best dental hygienist school in Calgary.

First of all, you'll need to have passed math, English and science courses at the high school level before you can register to complete a degree in dental hygiene or a bachelor of science with a specialization in dental hygiene. When researching a dental hygienist school in Calgary, you'll need to ensure that the school and the program are accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) you can see a list of approved courses on their website.


To become a dental hygienist in Calgary, complete an approved course accredited with the CDAC and become registered with the National Dental Hygiene Certification Board.

How to Find a Dental Hygienist School in Calgary

Search for the perfect dental hygienist course in Calgary and throughout Alberta on the CDAC website where you can narrow your search by province and dental specialty. You can also ask for recommendations from your career advisor, teachers or local dentists.

Become a Dental Hygienist at SAIT

If you want to become a dental hygienist at SAIT, complete your studies in Calgary at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT.) You'll be able to take the first step by becoming a dental hygienist assistant in this 10-month certification course. You'll learn how to advise patients on a variety of oral health topics and contribute to Calgary dental education for the public. You'll also learn practical skills like doing radiographs, rubber cup polishing and fluoride application.

To hone your new skills you'll also have the chance to work in a real dental office in a 4-week practicum where you can work alongside a Calgary dental hygienist. However, if you wish to be a dental hygienist and not an assistant, the dental hygienist SAIT course does not offer the appropriate qualification.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Dental Hygienist?

The dental hygienist at SAIT course is an assistant program and takes less than a year to complete. Whilst the B.Sc. Dental Hygiene program at the University of Alberta takes three years to complete and includes courses in oral hygiene and the chance to practice your new skills in a dental practice. After you graduate from a dental hygienist course in Calgary, you'll need to take a test to become certified by the National Dental Hygiene Certification Board.

How Much Does a Calgary Dental Hygienist Make?

After completing your dental hygienist course in Calgary and securing a job you can expect to remain employed as dental hygienists are in high demand. You can also expect to make an average salary of $84,686.

Learning more about Calgary dental education and becoming certified as a Calgary dental hygienist is the first step in a rewarding career in dental health.

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