Why Am I Blocked From Liking & Commenting on Facebook?

By Carolyn Luck

When it comes to Facebook, take all things in moderation.
i Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images

To stimulate a less annoying social network, Facebook's Community Standards prevent members from engaging in behavior that's excessive. While there's no magic number at which your liking or commenting quota is met, behavior patterns picked up by the social network may indicate a harassing nature. Typically temporary, blocks act as fair warning that you need to curb your behavior.

About Blocks

To prevent annoying and abusive behavior, such as excessive likes, comments, messages and friend requests, Facebook enforces policies for members to abide by when using the social network. These policies are available for members to view in Facebook's Community Standards (link in Resources). Members who engage in prohibited behavior may be blocked from certain Facebook features, or even have their accounts temporarily disabled. In most cases, blocks are not permanent, lasting between a few hours and a few days. In extreme cases, or cases where members fail to stop engaging in prohibited behavior following a warning, accounts may be permanently deleted.

Regaining Access

Once the block is lifted from your Facebook account, you must stop posting excessive comments and likes. Often, when you post a comment or like something on Facebook, the person who posted the content receives notification. Repeatedly liking or commenting on something can cause that member to receive excessive notifications, on-site, via text or email. This can flood that member's inbox and become annoying. Refrain from excessive liking and commenting. Note that you can like up to 5,000 Facebook business pages before you're blocked from liking any more pages.
