Police officers and other law enforcement personnel who take training classes may be able to earn units or credits at a community college, college or university. Law enforcement training guidelines vary by state and colleges evaluate course content to determine whether to accept it for credit. In California, many colleges accept Peace Officer Standards and Training, or POST, classes for credit. The Commission on POST was established by the California Legislature to regulate law enforcement training and other standards and has established relationships with some schools. Check to see if your state has any similar relationships.

Ask your instructor or the person who manages the training program in which you are enrolled whether you may transfer the class for credit at any local colleges. He may already know of a school that accepts police training courses for credit. If you are taking classes through a police department, the department may have an established relationship with local colleges to help you transfer credit toward a bachelor's or master's degree in legal studies or a related field.

Call the school to which you want to transfer the credits and ask whether it accepts the class you are taking for credit. If you are applying for admission to the school, speak with someone in the admissions department and with an academic adviser in the department in which you intend to enroll about which classes are accepted for your major. If you are already an enrolled student at the school, speak with your academic adviser about your request.

Request copies of all transcripts, certificates and other proof that you have completed the coursework satisfactorily. Your course instructor or program manager can help you obtain these copies.

Mail the copies of proof of completion of your coursework to your school. You may need to call your academic adviser and ask where to send the documents, if you need to include any other paperwork and whether there is a deadline by which you must submit your transfer credit request. Purchase shipment tracking from your mail carrier so that you know the documents are delivered successfully.

Follow up on your request after two weeks. Call your academic adviser or the admissions department and ask if your transfer credit request was accepted. Request a copy of your current transcript from the school so that you have a copy that shows the transfer credits for your personal records.

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