As baby boomers start aging, they are likely to have more of a need for medical attention. This also includes a need for hearing aids. This is likely to create more of a demand for hearing aid dispensers. Various states have requirements relating to licensing of these hearing aid dispensers. There are also some training schools that provide training for these professionals.

Hearing Aid Dispensers

As you might guess from the job title, hearing aid dispensers help dispense hearing aids. In order to perform their job duties, hearing aid dispensers need to be familiar with the anatomy of the human ear, and terminology relating to the ear. As well, they need to know about the common medical disorders that could impact hearing. Other typical input that is useful relates to the acoustics of hearing aids and the electronics of hearing aids.

Spokane Falls Community College

Spokane Falls Community College offers an Associate in Applied Science degree to those who successfully complete its "Hearing Instrument Specialist" training. The college offers this course at its Spokane, Washington campus, and you can also opt for online learning. If you choose the distance learning option, you would have to visit the campus so that the school can assess your skills. As part of the course input, students put in a total of 500 hours in a laboratory setting.

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College in Tacoma, Washington is one of the training schools for licensed hearing aid dispensers. The school helps students become familiar with hearing aids, including professional terminology in the field, as well as the anatomy and physiology of the human ear. Bates also provides education on dealing with the patient and her family. Students who go through this program receive training to take the Washington State licensing exam for hearing aid dispensers. The Bates program is approved by the Washington State Board of Hearing and Speech, according to the college.

The Hearing Aid Academy

Taking advantage of the expected rise in demand for hearing aid dispensers, the Hearing Aid Academy, based in Atlanta, Texas, has been set up to provide web-based training. This will help candidates prepare for their state’s licensing exams to become hearing aid dispensers. The program also offers participants a three-day lab session to learn the practical aspects of their trade, as part of the training. The school has been approved by the Texas Workforce Commission.

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