Poster Ideas for an Elementary Student Council Campaign

Elementary students can make a creative poster to advertise their campaign.

Elementary schools can host student council campaigns to help teach children the democratic process. As the powers available to an elementary school council officer may be limited in scope, it is the actual campaign and voting process that has the potential to teach kids the most information about how a government is selected by the people. Poster ideas for campaigns are sometimes limited by certain requirements by school administrations, but nonetheless, there are a range of creative ideas available to make a poster that stands out.

1 Movement

A poster can catch a person's eye if it sparkles and moves. An elementary student can easily achieve this affect on a poster by using large sequins as a border on a poster, or to spell out their name. For a stationary affect, the large, circular sequins can be simply glued to a poster board to create a shiny, eye catching display. For movement, hole punch each sequin individually, then hole punch the shape of the border or letters desired on the poster. Use ribbon or string to tie the sequins to the poster, threading the string through a hole in the sequin and a hole on the poster, to create a shimmering effect.

2 Theme

Select a theme for a poster based on a favorite activity, or a play on words with a student's name. For example, if the candidate's last name is Baker, she could create a poster stating that her candidacy is a recipe for success, with corresponding images painted onto the poster. If there is no name association, a child can still use a slogan like "Matt is Wild with Success," and incorporate a wild animal theme onto his poster by using leopard spots and paw prints to decorate it.

3 Design

A clever design on a poster can immediately convey creative intelligence along with the student's campaign message. A poster design can be done to mimic a state flag by writing the candidate's name and message in the shape of the emblem found on her state flag. A child could design his poster to show a large water spout with words describing his qualifications for candidacy pouring out onto the page.

4 3-D

A three-dimensional poster can be made in the same manner a pop up books is made, either through folding paper and cutting it to create a pop-out effect, or affixing letters to fan-folded strips of paper that will then "spring" off the poster board. A 3-D poster will literally stand out from the rest as the candidate's message pops off the page.
