Searching for money to attend school can be a challenge. Some institutions bestow grants giving individuals money to attend a school. This money does not have to be repaid. Non-accredited Christian schools present a unique challenge with regard to funding. Most grants require individuals to attend an accredited school as a requirement to receiving the money. But there are a few grants available for individuals attending non-accredited Christian schools.

In-House Grants

The best avenue to search for grants for a non-accredited Christian education is to look at the school itself. Many non-accredited schools will have grants and other forms of financial assistance to help students financially afford the education. Each school will have its own application process for its grants, so each grant will have to be applied for separately. The school may also have subject-specific grants. If an individual intends on focusing on a particular area, this may be an advantage in applying for a particular grant.

Lilly Endowment Grants

The Lilly Endowment Inc., gives religious grants to individuals who seek to enrich the lives of religious individuals in North America. These grants are aimed at financially assisting individuals who want to prepare for a life as a minister, and there is no requirement that the education be at an accredited Christian university. There are also continuing educational grants for current ministers who want to continue pursuing academics at a higher level. These grants vary from $10,000 up to $40,000 a year depending on the grant.

North American Doctoral Fellowships

The North American Doctoral Fellowships provides financial assistance to minority racial and ethnic groups who typically do not seek higher education in the field of religion. Eligible individuals must be working on their Ph.D. in theology and there is no requirement that the education be at an accredited university. Individuals must be U.S. or Canadian citizens and demonstrate a high level of academic achievement. The grant ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 to cover living expenses.

The Louisville Institute

The Louisville Institute offers numerous grants to individuals seeking to strengthen the Christian religious community in North America. Currently, they offer five different grant programs. The Dissertation Fellowship supports the final year Ph.D. or Th.D. dissertation writing for students focusing on Christianity in North America. There is no requirement that the education be from an accredited university. This fellowship provides a stipend of $19,000 for twelve months and it is not renewable.

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