Graduation high school seniors often include a short, personal biography in the school yearbook. The bio typically accompanies your senior photo -- and a baby photo -- if your school yearbook has the space for these tributes. List any nicknames, your favorite high school memories, noteworthy accomplishments and your career goals. Your yearbook coordinator will likely limit the length of senior bios, so follow the guidelines to avoid having your information shortened or rejected.

Activities and Achievements

List any high school activities, clubs or organizations -- school-sponsored or community based -- that you participated in during your high school years. Some yearbook coordinators allow you to use abbreviations, such as "NHS" for National Honor Society, to reduce your word count. Others don't allow abbreviations, such as "BFF" for best friends forever and want you to spell out the words. Include academic clubs, leadership roles, sports teams and awards you received.

Memorable Experiences

Include some memorable experiences in your bio, but keep them brief. You don't have room to list all the details, but those who shared the experiences with you will likely know what you're writing about. For example, if you want to mention something funny that happened at the prom, you might write "prom frog dance" or "prom dress disaster." Make sure the experiences don't infer anything that might be construed as negative or offensive.

Famous Quotes

Incorporate a famous quote -- or a noteworthy quote from a classmate or a teacher -- into your bio. Opt for a quote that has personal meaning to you or your classmates and avoid generic quotes that might apply to any situation. The goal is to select a quote that made an impression on you or one that reflects your high school experiences. You can choose a funny or a serious quote as long as it doesn't include foul language or inappropriate connotations. The yearbook advisor will likely proofread the bios to ensure they're acceptable.

Future Education and Career Goals

Briefly explain your future education or career goals. For example, you might write, "Attending Syracuse University in the fall and majoring in civil engineering," or "Pursuing a career in pharmaceutical science." Don't list specific contact information, such as your residence hall address at the university you'll be attending or your cell phone number. You can always write that information in your peers' yearbooks during the designated yearbook signing time.

Content and Length

Keep your bio to the required length. For example, ConVal High School in New Hampshire and Kendall High School in New York limit senior yearbook bios to 100 words each. East Meadow High School in New York limits senior bios to 150 characters each, but spaces between words don't count as characters. Ask your yearbook editor if you should use the first-person or the third-person point of view. Avoid derogatory language to ensure your bio isn't rejected.

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